held 5th August 2008
at St Johns Anglican Church Coromandel Valley
The meeting opened with a welcome from Debbie and a prayer by Daniel
PRESENT Holy Innocents Anglican, Belair: Ross Hill-Brown, Yvonne Myers, Warren Huffa
Belair/ Blackwood UCA: Glenys Reid (Welcomed as a new member)
Blackwood Hills Baptist: Sam Thomson, (CPSW Blackwood HS), Helen Hartley
St Peters Lutheran, Blackwood: Pastor Brian Schwarz, Meryl Jennings.
Blackwood/ Belair Catholic Parish: Bridgid Medder.
Church of Christ Blackwood: Mark Reissen,
Anglican Parish of Coromandel Valley: Debbie Jeanes, Rosalie Busch
CPSW s Steve Allen,, Dianne Deed, Adam Wood , Daniel Doecke, Vanessa De Kauwe
APOLOGIES,Peter Russell, Gloria McArthur,Rev Stephen Clark, Sara Walding, Leanne Jenski, David Buxton, Ian Hunter, Greg Ratcliff, Gwendolyn Morphett, Donald Sarre, Liz Kelly
Second Wind Presentation given by Geoff Cotrill, Director of SIM ( Serving in Mission), encouraging older adults to take up mission, Information made available to churches interested in holding a forum Email: Debbie thanked Geoff for an interesting presentation
CHURCH REPORT presented by Rosalie Busch who spoke about Kids Hope – originally a friendly society for young women working in London founded by Mary Elizabeth Townsend. Meetings at St Johns are open to boys but mostly attended by girls who meet once a month for a meal, gospel discussion, craft and prayer time
Voting rights Reminder that two lay representatives and one ministry representative per church, can vote. CPSWs may be used as proxies
Moved Warren Huffa Seconded Meryl Jennings
Web-Site Mark continuing to work on this
Christmas Pageant Sam will continue to oversee planning as he feel there is not a lot to do, mainly up to people to publicise it to their own churches. A promotional leaflet and report to be prepared for October meeting
Christian Options (re CPSWs presenting seminars) also Seminar form feedback to be postponed for next meeting as Nina not present
Church Authorisation of Reps No further feedback received
CPSW Most reports received in time to be sent out with agenda
Steve Allen (Coro PS) reported to the meeting that he is preparing a report with statistics for his principal
He received 75 contracts from student, all of which were followed up
Daniel Doecke (ASMS) had a very favourable review by SMG
Vanessa (Bellevue Hgts PS) spoke about support being given to two students at the school who have cancer and the effects on other students and asked for prayers.
COMMUNITY CONCERNS GROUP; Mark tabled a copy of the Proposed Partnership between the Salvation Army Community Support Services and Blackwood Inter-church Council
He will arrange a meeting of the sub-committee to prepare a response and to discus implementation and report to council. Funding will need to be provided from the council “rainy day” fund
Tonight marked Peters 10 years on council. Helen praised Peters documentation and record keeping in making it easier for her to take over. She also expressed thanks to Robert Cunningham for his assistance.
Helen presented an amended Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet for 2007 with explanations and notesto the budget with explanations and notes.’. As we are now moving from a cash to an accruel system of accounting, the figures have been expressed in both formats for transition continuity. Also with the injection of Federal Funding it was decided to leave 2007 as a stand-alone year and not provide the previous figures on the P& L for comparison, as we would not be comparing ‘apples with apples’
Two churches were contacted re arrears with hope of them paying. There may need to be a ‘Provision for Bad Debts’ of $888 if the outstanding amounts from 2007 are not paid.
Amended annual summaries were prepared for three CPSW workers owing to incorrect tracking of fringe benefits, which should have been tracked as Religious Practitioners Expense Accounts, which are FBT exempt.
Budget to Actual year-to-date shows a healthy financial position
Budget feed back was sent by Blackwood Hills Baptist Church who have approved the 2009 budget as presented to them
Invoices have been sent out for July
Mark stated that Church of Christ needs to go to medium church status
A vote that we accept the budget as it stands with the above amendment was passed
Thanks expressed to Helen. She will send out copies of the budget papers
SMG conducted an employers forum
Reviews will continue when Greg returns
SMG newsletter
Cheque for $260 was received from Blackwood Uniting Church from funds raised by their art exhibition.
This was passed on to the treasurer and a receipt and ‘Thank you’ letter sent. The donation will be used for transition bags
Transition Bags CPSWs will write their own booklet this year to stem costs
Zimbabwe Ross referred to the Email which was forwarded asking for members to keep Zimbabwe in their prayers by stopping to pray at a particular time each day.He said that the time of daily prayer is not important
International Peace Sunday event on 21st September at Blackwood Uniting Church. There will be speakers, displays, a 24hr peace flame and other activities. Expressions of peace, it could be written, art, drama, photos etc are requested. All churches are invited
Contact Leanne at 8278 7699
Uganda Childrens Choir Public performance 7PM 14th August 2008 at Blackwood Hills Baptist Church
Request from Debbie for suggestions, additions, improvements – anything you feel will make meetings more interesting
Next Meeting 730pm on Tuesday 7th October 2008 at St Peters Lutheran Chirch
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