Friday, October 26, 2012
Sunday 28th October, 2012
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome.
Sunday School is back in action, young people!
Collect for the day
O God, You give light to the blind and comfort to the sorrowing, and in Your Son You have given us a High Priest Who has offered the true sacrifice for us and yet can sympathise with us in our weakness: hear the cry of Your people and lead us home to our true country, where with Your Son and the Holy Spirit You live and reign, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
Today’s Readings read by Max A
Readings Job 42: 1—6 and Hebrews 7: 21—28
GOSPEL Mark 10: 46—52
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Danny Hodgson, Ann Daughtry, Dennis and Walter, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Bonney Tomlinson, Margaret Pressley, Janet Phillips., Jan, Mollie and Margaret.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alan Pressley Peter Little,
Readings Ruth 1: 1—8 & Hebrews 9: 11—15
GOSPEL Mark 12: 13—17 & 28—34
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy
YOUNG PEOPLE’S GROUP 5pm every second Sunday 14th at Daughtry’s home
MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm
WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 5.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge.
And keep Saturday 1st December, 10am at St. Peter’s Cathedral, clear for Stephen Daughtry’s Ordination as priest. Also Wendy Morecroft and Clare Bruce have been selected for Discernment by the Diocese, in moves towards training and possible Ordination.
Church Spring Cleaning Working Bee Saturday 3rd of November Please make a diary note now!. Should anyone prefer to work during the week preceding, please note that St. John’s exams in the Hall preclude any work being done before 4.00 pm. A list of jobs needing doing is not in the foyer—please check it out and put your name on one of the jobs you can do.
Operation Christmas Child - Shoe Boxes LAST DAY FOR RETURN OF BOXES .
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814
Next Sunday Cynthia Macintosh or Don Caddy
Sunday after Jill Hilbig or Joy Campbell
Next Sunday Reader Araki family Intercessor Hal S-C
Sunday after Reader Clare B Intercessor Max A
Next week Flowers Bains Brass Joan Durdin
Cleaning Group 3
Plans are afoot to put together our Sunday afternoon Family Fun Day on December 2nd at 4.00 pm. We are asking folk to help with craft and activities but in the meantime would you (a) bring to Church any old Christmas cards (preferably no Santas!) and (b) any catalogues advertising Christmas gifts and shopping (junk mail really!)
Mark your diary please ...... St John's Exams 29/10-14/11
Robyn Keynes asks people to save their 2 ltr wine-casks, please—they are very useful as building blocks for junior Sunday School. (No rude comments please!!!)
Also there is to be a BBQ lunch after service on 25th November (can you remember that far ahead?) to mark the end of the Church Year and the move into Advent. A list will go up in the foyer, announcing this and asking for contributions of salads and sweets—usual procedure. Plan to be part of this event!!!
NB: Rather too frequently foreign coins and other matter appears in the collection plate and our long suffering Treasurer has had to replace the offending items. Please carefully check any coins for the Collection Plate that they are Australian currency.
Planned-Giving Scheme
Thank you for participating in the Planned-Giving Scheme for our church. The statements for the last quarter are now available. Please find them on the table in the foyer. The Planned-Giving Scheme helps our church to make its annual budget. Anyone who would like to join or rejoin in this scheme for next year is welcome to do so. Please contact Min or Cynthia for the pledge form to fill in. Min The Recorder
I an constantly asking people to follow what I call ‘the fine print.’ in the Sunday readings. Not only was this poor man Bar-Timaeus disqualified from the synagogue because of his ailment, it is clear that – as far as everyone was concerned, he was a nobody, non-existent, zero. That is what his name means. Nobody, son of nobody! What a load for anyone to carry? But not as far as Jesus was concerned.
Those of us at Church at Belair last Sunday had a preview of this tale, and a rather noisy one from Stephen, bless him. Stephen was underlining our rather terribly human trait of wanting to be ‘with the strength,’ and of James and John’s penchant for wanting positions of power and note alongside Jesus in His ‘glory.’
Stephen was preaching about being servants. And that is exactly how Jesus operated, identifying Himself with a man such as this Bart – nothing to do with the Simpsons. Bart-was a second or third generation drop out, it seems, and blind to boot. He was certainly and completely unwelcome in the synagogue, on at least two grounds,: of ailment and of non-existence. Poor sod, what chance did he ever have, for religious people are proper people! Well, aren’t they?
But our Lord threw all that aside, as well he might, because real religious people are accepting people, prepared to see further than the surface with anyone and everyone, just like our Lord. And the story indicates the effect Jesus had on that poor solitary, once-blind man.
This is what the faith is about: not sorting people into high and low, wealthy or poor, well or ill. It is about meeting people right where they are, and being prepared to offer a next step forward for them to be part of the fellowship of those who care. What price caring, eh?
On Thursday 8 November, at Christ Church, North Adelaide, the centenary of the Anglican Board of Mission will be celebrated. Bishop David McCall will be the celebrant at the Eucharist, and the Rev'd Martin Chittleborough, patron of the National ABM Auxiliary, will be the guest preacher. Following the Eucharist there will be a shared lunch in the hall and an ABM Auxiliary History exhibition. ABM Christmas cards will also be available for purchase. Joan Durdin would be happy to provide transport for up to three parishioners who would like to attend this event.
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