Friday, October 12, 2012


Sunday 14th October, 2012 TWENTIETH SUNDAY OF PENTECOST WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Sunday School is back in action, young people! Collect for the day Merciful God, in your Son You call not the righteous but sinners to repentance: draw us away from the easy road that leads to destruction, and guide us into paths that lead to life abundant, that in seeking Your truth, and obeying Your will, we may know the joy of being a disciple of Jesus our Saviour; Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Today’s Readings read by Trevor T Readings Job 23: 1-9 & 16-17 and Hebrews4: 12—16 GOSPEL Mark 10: 17—31 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Jim (fighting cancer;) Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, baby Mitchell, Kathy Pennos, Danny Hodgson, Ann Daughtry, Dennis and Walter, Chris Barber, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Natasha Campbell, Dennis Smith and Janet Phillips. HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Lily Conlon, Chloe Laycock HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - YEAR’S MIND— Doris Caddy (2000) Stan Shepherd (2001) Miriam Lindley (2004) George Ridout (1993) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Readings: Job 23:1-9 & 16-17 and Hebrews 4: 12—16 GOSPEL Mark 10: 17—31 REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy YOUNG PEOPLE’S GROUP 5pm every second Sunday 14th at Daughtry’s home MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm SPECIAL NOTE FROM MUI: Mothers' Union will be holding a trading table on the Sunday 21st October—we suggest that you come prepared!!! WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 5.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Bonney reports some delay to her medical treatment, and will be around today—BUT this only underlines the need for some of us to offer to fill in at the Morning Tea counter for several weeks or so very soon. . And keep Saturday 1st December, 10am at St. Peter’s Cathedral, clear for Stephen Daughtry’s Ordination as priest. Church Spring Cleaning Working Bee Saturday 3rd of November Please make a diary note now!. Should anyone prefer to work during the week preceding, please note that St. John’s exams in the Hall preclude any work being done before 4.00 pm. Robyn Keynes thinks she has lent her book, Call the Midwife, to someone in the Church and asks for it to be returned please. Operation Christmas Child - Shoe Boxes Please return all boxes by 21st October or 28th at the latest. Thank you Marlene Dixon. HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Barb Capon or Trevor Tregenza Sunday after Min Araki or Ron Keynes READER- AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Mary V Intercessor Warren Sunday after Reader Max A Intercessor Sue D-T SANCTUARY ROSTER Next week Flowers Jan T Brass Margaret C Cleaning Group 3 Mark your diary please ...... St John's Exams 29/10-14/11 Also there is to be a BBQ lunch after service on 25th November (can you remember that far ahead?) to mark the end of the Church Year and the move into Advent. A list will go up in the foyer, announcing this and asking for contributions of salads and sweets—usual procedure. Plan to be part of this event!!! Foreign Coins in the Collection Plate! Fairly frequently foreign coins appear in the collection plate and our long suffering Treasurer replaces the offending item. Please carefully check any coins for the Collection Plate and ensure that they are Australian currency. Planned-Giving Scheme Thank you for participating in the Planned-Giving Scheme for our church. The statements for the last quarter are now available. Please find them on the table in the foyer. The Planned-Giving Scheme helps our church to make its annual budget. Anyone who would like to join or rejoin in this scheme for next year is welcome to do so. Please contact Min or Cynthia for the pledge form to fill in. Miin The Recorder Packs of Fun Anglicare has a terrific new project some young people of our parish will be promoting over the next six weeks - 'Pack of Fun'. We will try to fill a couple of backpacks for refugee children settling with their families in South Australia. If you would like to contribute something or make a donation, just tick off an item from the sheet or make a donation to one of the Senior Sunday School young people. RONBLOG on today’s readings It has long been said that without inquisitive and exploring human beings, we would still be living in caves and wearing animal skins, probably even trying to live without the wheel. Most human progress has relied on a tiny handful who had not been satisfied with ‘the way things were.’ Thank God for them, and for the disturbance they raised and the outcomes of their respective struggles. But why is it, even in our own rather push-button age, that most people seem to want the moon yet refuse to move out of their comfort zone in the search for it? Scripture is full of stories of people dissatisfied with the pious and pat answers purveyed by those who should have known better. The book of Job is a quite vivid example, as the star of the story searched for answers to the great issues he had to face. The very person who should have been the most help to him was herself a disaster area!!! It would have been enough to drive a person to drink! If you know the book, you will be aware that Job was surrounded by a trio of quite useless human beings, who could offer no more than the pathetic orthodoxy of the time, insisting that this experience was karma for all of Job’s sins. You may well have come across people even today whose refusal to go past their boundaries do nothing but hold other people back from far better discoveries. Two passages today underline what strikes me as the most important way forward. There are no quick fixes, no buttons to press, but rather the slower and far more effective process of looking where the issues point. Truth, honesty, being fair dinkum are the only tools, and even then the answers may be a long way off. But one needs only to offer illustration from real life to show how rarely the realities or the facts are called upon to find a way forward So that person who asked the question of Jesus had enough in him to earn the respect of our Lord. That says a great deal about the man. But there was one area of truth that he was not prepared to head or to commit himself. Mind you, it was a rather hard direction, even if it underlined the basis on which that person had erected his security. He was not prepared to lose his security whatever else it might mean to others less fortunate. Not too many of us would be so prepared. Would we? The Rev’d Canon Ian Barlow, of Clare, and The Venerable (Emeritus, Adelaide) Conrad Patterson were Ordained Priests by The Rt Rev’d T E Jones in the Church of St Augustine, Port Augusta on St Thomas. Day, December 21st, 1962. On St Thomas’ Day, in the Church of The Good Shepherd, Plympton, where Fr Ian developed his lay ministry and where Fr. Conrad worships when he is home, there is to be a Eucharist, celebrated by the Archdeacon, and the Sermon preached by the Canon on Friday evening, December 21st, at 6.00 pm. Contact Fr. Conrad for more info— so was Fr. Ron in Sydney that day. A vacancy has recently opened within the Adelaide Diocese for an Administrative Assistant working with Diocesan Office and The Professional Standards office. Please see attached the job description for the role of Diocesan Administration Assistant. Interested applicants should write a letter of no more than two pages to the Registrar outlining their suitability for the position. Applications close Friday, 19 October 2012. Diocesan Administration Assistant Roles and Responsibilities Reports to: Professional Standards Director (and TBC) Position Status: Permanent-Part time; Initial 12 month contract PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: The position reports to the Professional Standards Director and is accountable to the Professional Standards Director for the delivery of quality and administrative support and services in the Professional Standards directorate. The position works independently in an office, shared with the Professional Standards Director, located outside the main Diocesan Office. The position has contact with clergy and lay members of the Diocese, and members of the public. DIOCESAN OFFICE (including SAFER MINISTRY ACCREDITATION [Screening and Education]: The position works within the Diocesan Office and responsible for the scheduling and arrangements for delivery of Safer Ministry Education and regular monitoring and screening for clergy and laity licenses. From time to time, there may be the requirement to assist with the day to day workings of the Diocesan Office. Employment Conditions •This is a permanent part-time position (0.8FTE), offered on an initial 12 month contract. •Flexible working hours are possible. Work may take place on days other than the regular work days by prior arrangement. The position may require some work outside the normal hours specified, including evenings. This out of hours work is an exception to the terms of your employment and no additional payment or benefit will be paid for or given for such out of hours work unless it has been previously agreed to by your manager. Where time in lieu is provided it will be at the rate of one hour for every hour worked. • To be an active member of the Anglican Church, or to be empathetic to the values of the Anglican Church • To be subject to background checks as required by the Diocese’s Safer Ministry screening process for lay church workers • To sign a confidentiality agreement • To hold a current driver’s licence and be willing to drive •To be prepared to travel both intra and interstate as required Page 2 of 3 Roles and Responsibilities – Professional Standards Administrative Services •Provide a confidential administrative service to the Professional Standards Director. •Monitor telephone and email inquiries to the office Professional Standards office and provide a timely and appropriate response, within client services guidelines. •Provide word processing, filing, mailing, correspondence, photocopying and appropriate recording and records management systems services to the Professional Standards Director. •Prepare materials for meetings for the Professional Standards Director. •Draft routine correspondence and prepare other documents, presentation material and correspondence for the Professional Standards Director. •Coordinate travel arrangements for the Professional Standards Director. Records Management and Office Administration •Develop and maintain the Professional Standard’s Access database, recording the status of notification information. •Conduct queries and produce reports from the database. •Develop and maintain both hard copy and electronic filing systems. •Develop and maintain the administrative systems in the Professional Standards Office. •Coordinate presentations and training conducted by the Professional Standards Director. •Provide the information required from the Professional Standards office to ensure the Diocesan website is kept up to date. •Liaise with Diocesan Office in relation to accounting, property and purchasing services. Executive Support Services •Provide support services to meetings of the Professional Standards Committee including the assisting the Professional Standards Director in the preparation and distribution of the agenda, papers and minutes. •Perform the role of Secretary of the Professional Standards Committee by maintaining the minutes of Professional Standards Committee and record resolutions on the Professional Standards database. •May be required to act as Secretary to the Professional Standards Board. Roles and Responsibilities – Safer Ministry Accreditation Administrative Services •Monitor telephone and email enquiries and provide a timely and appropriate response. •Provide filing, mailing, correspondence, photocopying and appropriate recording and records management services as needed. •Draft routine correspondence and prepare other documents, presentation material and correspondence for the Safer Ministry Educators. •Coordination of venues for Safer Ministry Education. •Confirmation of education/training with attendees. •Process incoming clergy and laity license applications in line with the Safer Ministry Accreditation guidelines. •Preparation of laity licenses. Out of Office Services •Preparation of venue for Safer Ministry Education. .../cont’d Page 3 of 3 Records Management and Office Administration •Maintain the Diocesan Access database, recording the status of individual’s Education/Training and screening. •Conduct queries and produce reports from the database as requested. •Maintain the Diocesan Access database, recording the status of individuals’ Safer Ministry Accreditation. •Provide the information required for Safer Ministry Education to ensure the Diocesan website is kept up to date. •Maintain policies and procedures for Safer Ministry Accreditation for the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide. Occupational Health and Safety •Adhere to OHS&W policies and procedures including the utilisation of personal protective and other safety equipment, and to ensure own action or lack of action does place at risk own health and safety or that of others at the workplace; •If required, participate in OHS&W training and development programs and consultative processes; •Assist in the evaluation of hazards and in the implementation of control measures and report immediately all accidents, hazards and near misses; •Report for duties in a fit state to perform allocated duties so as not to endanger own or other persons safety at work.

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