Friday, June 10, 2011


Sunday 12th June, 2011 - PENTECOST

WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. After the 8am service breakfast is served and morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. Sunday School is back in action

Collect for Pentecost
Almighty God, at the feast of Pentecost You sent Your Holy Spirit to the disciples, filling them with joy and boldness to preach the gospel: empower us with that same Spirit to witness to your redeeming love and draw all people to You; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Acts 2: 1—21 and 1 Corinthians 12: 1—13 read by Araki family
GOSPEL John 20: 19—23

We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Chris Contro, Yvonne Myers, Joy Campbell, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, Sid Sweet and others known to us,

YEAR’S MIND—Norm Currer (2010), Mabel Mitchell (1997) Len Dent (1998)

Readings Exodus 34: 1—8 and 2 Cor 13: 11—13
GOSPEL Matthew 28: 16—20
Fr Ron’s Notes available at

PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandal Valley
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist

Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Barb Capon 8278 3584 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814.

HOLY INNOCENTS' BACK TO SCHOOL QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 2 July at 7pm in the Church $10/Adults $5/Concession BYO Supper and Drinks. Dress is school attire and prepare to be very well behaved for Quiz & Head Master, Andrew Morecroft. Book your table by writing your name on the form in the foyer

MOTHERS’ UNION Thursday 16th June at 2.00pm at the Church AGM. And Marion McCall will be offering a Reflection TIme. All welcome. Marg Pressley, Leader

HOME GROUP at Andrew & Wendy Moorcroft's home Thursday 16 June 7.30pm. Call Wendy for details 0417 806 943

.RON-BLOG from today’s readings Acts 2
Wherever does one begin with a passage as critical and formative as this. Familiar it may be, but rather too often familiarity leads a person to overlook either the obvious or the not so obvious. Hopefully we will cover both issues here.
They were all together in one place is really quite critical to see and embrace. That is the punch-line if you will, and all else proceeds from there. This remarkable event, however it took place in reality, was to point all who followed to see where being Christ’s took them. And it was together, and that meant reconciliation and fellowship. No room for division for that would be blasphemous. And how did the Church respond over the centuries, but in completely the opposite direction …. And often does still.
The symbols of wind and fire need to be understood too. Fire, of course, purges and refines metals to bring them to completeness. Wind (breath, spirit, even life) has the same breadth of translation in both Hebrew and Greek. Ruarch in Hebrew pneuma in Greek both can be translated in the same breadth. To me that is a fascinating fact.
One of the odd things about some modern Christians is their penchant for miracle. This business of speaking in languages is not so much miracle, but a pointer (John’s sign!) for catching sight of the purpose. Here is the reversal of Babel, that creation saga about the division of people by the plethora of languages. The old divisions are removed by the Gospel, and that is the point of it all. The coming of the Holy Spirit is presented as the source of unity, just as the Three-in-One. This is the focus of forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration.

Today Trevor Tregenza or Craig Deane
Next Sunday Cynthia Macintosh or Min Araki

Next Sunday Reader Araki family Intercessor Warren
Sunday after Reader Clare B Intercessor Hal S-C

Next week Flowers Sue Daw-Thomas Brass Bonney Tomlimson
Cleaning Bonney Tomlinson
A gentle reminder that May was Box collection month, and we have run out of May. Box holders are asked to bring them in for clearing. Alan and Margaret Pressley will be there to receive them, and to forward the offerings on the BCA, in support of ministry in the Bush.

Some years ago a kind parishioner gave us a folding table-tennis table. It is in good order but no longer used and is something of a problem to store in a hall where everything is moved around frequently. It is available to anyone who would like to have it for a very modest donation. See Don Baker

The current issue of The Supporter, newsletter of Anglicare, reminds us of the need for gifts of food for the Magdalene Centre is urgent. Our parish has a good record of weekly donations, and we receive a warm welcome when our donations are delivered. Remember that the most wanted items include tins if soup, pasta and pasta sauces, tinned meat (ham, sardines, tuna,) and long-life milk.

Congrats and best wishes to David Hall, recently elected Warden for Holy Innocents’ Thanks for putting up your hand—and we offer our support in your new role.

There is to be a baptism next Sunday—and a warm welcome to Bridgitte and her family

This is an announcement for the parishioners who are participating in the planned-giving (or Free-Will Offering) Scheme. Those parishioners should be receiving the quarterly statements, which state the amount received during the last quarter together with the start and end dates of the last quarter. The Church Council decided in the meeting held in May that the quarterly statements should also provide the following two numbers: the amount promised up to the last quarter as well as the amount actually received up to the last quarter. This change will commence with the next quarterly statements. Any parishioner, who is using more than one method of payment, will receive one statement for the combined amounts. This is for the Recorder’s convenience. For any queries, please call me at 8270-8894 (before 10th of June) 7225-1951 (after 14th of June)

Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon please …….

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