Sunday 5th June, 2011 - SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
Our Celebrant and preacher today is Warren Huffa
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. After the 8am service breakfast is served and morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. Sunday School is back in action
Collect for Seventh Sunday of Easter
O God, Whose Son Jesus prayed for His disciples, and sent them into the world to proclaim the coming of Your kingdom: by Your Holy Spirit, hold the Church in unity, and keep it faithful to Your word, so that, breaking bread together, we may be one with Christ in faith and love and service, now and for ever. Amen.
Acts 1: 6 –14 and 1 Peter 5 read by Mary V
GOSPEL John 10: 1– 10
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Chris Contro, Yvonne Myers, Joy Campbell, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, and others known to us,
YEAR’S MIND—Gwenyth Rounsevell, Tony Willoughby (1994) Fr. Reg Petter (2000) Ros Hayman and John Carruthers (1998)
Acts 2: 1—21 and 1 Corinthians 12: 1—13
GOSPEL John 20: 19—23
Fr Ron’s Notes available at
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandal Valley
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Barb Capon 8278 3584 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814.
Herewith the address for Warren’s latest Chaplain’s contribution:
Special Note St. Barnabas. College 131st Anniversary Evening: This is to be held at St. Peter’s Cathedral at 6.00pm on 10th June, and Dr. Anstey will be the preacher. The service will be followed by a light meal in the Hall and RSVPs are required for that, on 8416 8440 or
HOLY INNOCENTS' BACK TO SCHOOL QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 2 July at 7pm in the Church $10/Adults $5/Concession BYO Supper and Drinks. Dress is school attire and prepare to be very well behaved for Quiz & Head Master, Andrew Morecroft. Book your table by writing your name on the form in the foyer
HOME GROUP at Andrew & Wendy Moorcroft's home Thursday 10 July 7.30pm. Call Wendy for details 0417 806 943
.RON-BLOG from today’s readings
We use words in Church, don’t we with not a lot of understanding what they mean.. Try ‘glorify.’ Now how does anyone do that for anyone? How do you glorify God? How did Jesus glorify God? What in the name of fortune does the word really mean? May I take the strain away from you, and offer some help?
When Jesus glorified God, it means simply that He made the Father known, almost visible, almost tangible. Not what the Father looks like, of course, but what His nature is like. In what Jesus said, in what Jesus did, He illustrated and incarnated something of the nature of God. In other words, when people saw Jesus, they caught some sight of Who God is.
Does that make sense to you? At the risk of giving the poor man conniptions, we have long said to people that one of our great mates has done similar things. ‘If you want to get a bit of a picture of Jesus, then go and talk to and watch Bishop Bruce Rosier.’ And I could tell you a lot of stories to illustrate that.
Jesus’ life and ministry made God rather more tangible, reachable, understandable by what He did and said. Most of all it showed up at the Cross, much of it by what Jesus did not do. Yell and scream and demand revenge, for instance. And in what He did – giving Himself totally to others.
And that is the challenge for those called to priesthood. To reflect the characteristics of the Father. To incarnate the Faith, making it tangible, visible, understandable. As Peter wrote in his epistle, tend the flock of God, - not for sordid gain but eagerly. Do not lord it over your charge but be examples to the flock. I must be old-fashioned or something but it is rather too rare these days to find that Biblical attitude amongst quite some of the clergy.
And just in case you think this has nothing to do with you, because priest you are not, --- you are in the same boat. Yours is also the role to glorify God, to incarnate the characteristics of the Father. To make Jesus known, visible, tangible and understandable.
You will notice that in this day and age, that may not be the most popular programme, as Bob Hawke’s words would indicate when he suggested that weak people need strong leaders..But this glimpse of reality is the most necessary, for as our culture gradually claws itself to pieces, it is going to need people of sterner stuff, with a much clearer vision of what life could be like, to glue it all together again. It is a high calling, and will become an increasingly urgent one. The further people move away from God the further they move from each other, and you are aware of the drastic outcomes of that direction!
Today Barb Capon or Jill Hilbig
Next Sunday Trevor Tregenza or Craig Deane
Next Sunday Reader Max A Intercessor Sue D-T
Sunday after Reader Araki family Intercessor Warren
Next week Flowers Anna Kelly Brass Joan Durdin
Cleaning Group 1
A gentle reminder that May is Box collection month, and we have run out of May. Box holders are asked to bring them in for clearing. Alan and Margaret Pressley will be there to receive them, and to forward the offerings on the BCA, in support of ministry in the Bush.
Congrats and best wishes to David Hall, recently elected Warden for Holy Innocents’ Thanks for putting up your hand—and we offer our support in your new role.
Applications are invited for the position of School Chaplain at COROMANDEL VALLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Address: 339 Main Rd, Coromandel Valley Phone: 8278 3693
23 hours per week, commencing Term 3, 2011. The position exists to offer support to students, staff and the school community. A Job and Person Specification is available from: Coromandel Valley Primary School Front Office Closing date: 5pm, Tuesday 7th June
An opportunity to visit the Lutheran Community Sewing Group (featured in the last Parish Magazine) is open to any who would like to join Marg Pressley and Robyn Keynes on Friday 10th June. And if you knit toddlers’ beanies, that would be appreciated by the Group. Contact Marg or Robyn
St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School formerly St Peter’s Glenelg Anglican Grammar School Reunion of past scholars, parents, staff and families of all eras You are invited to visit our school, renew acquaintances and to view the historic mementos contained in the Time Capsule opened as planned after 25 years. Sunday 7 August 2011 2.00pm - 4.00pm Nutter Thomas Dining Room St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School 39 Partridge Street Glenelg 5045 For more information contact Karen
p. 08 7221 6202 e.
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon please …….
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