Sunday 1st May, 2011 - SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER
Our Celebrant and preacher today is Warren Huffa
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. After the 8am service breakfast is served and morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls.
Sunday School is in recess during the School holidays,
Collect for Second Sunday of Easter
Almighty and eternal God, the strength of those who believe and the hope of those who doubt: may we, who have not seen, have faith and receive the fullness of Christ's blessing; Who is alive and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Acts 2: 14a, 22—32 and 1 Peter 1: 1—12 read by Marg P
GOSPEL John 20: 19—31
(Intercessors, please be aware that you are able to change the power point presentation to fit your intercessions but you need to liaise with Fr Ron on the Tuesday beforehand. For example you may want a particular image screened during the intercessions and/or to change the ending prayer. Presentation.)
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Chris Contro, Yvonne Myers, Jenny Jeffrey, Sid Sweet , Dorothy Furnival, and Valda Seith, and others known to us; Rev’d Sue Burgess is recovering well by all reports.
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Margaret and Alan Pressley
YEAR’S MIND—Catherine Cordes (2006), Christine McAuliffe (1983) Philip Lockwood (1997)
Readings Acts 2: 14a & 36-41 1 Peter 1: 13—25
GOSPEL Luke 24: 13—35
Readings Fr Ron’s Notes available at
People are asked to ensure that both main door entrances to the Church are closed immediately after use to ensure the safety of the children – who tend to run about quite a bit.
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandal Valley
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 7.30pm Parish Council
HALL BOOKINGS: Sunday 15th May 1—5pm St. John’s use of Hall
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Barb Capon 8278 3584 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814.
Magdalene Centre invites you to a screening of Water for Elephants to be held at the Capri Cinema, Goodwood, on Sunday 22nd May from 2.00pm for complimentary drinks and sandwiches (Film at 3 pm) Entry is $20.00 per person
ALL the HEATERS IN THE HALL started first 'pull' on Sunday when I checked to see that they are all working. The trick is to be patient - pull firmly on the short cord for a count to 20 and then pull firmly on the longer cord to create the spark (Don't be rough on this mechanism!) while still holding the first cord for a further count to 5 (or when the radiant panel starts to turn red). So stay warm!!
RON-BLOG from today’s readings - Thomas,
I have long had great and profound respect for this rather little known Apostle, for the Gospel of John in particular shows him in several incidents to be a remarkably aware member of the Dozen, .Also, what followed after the end of the Acts of the Apostles - whilst tradition, with strong evidence – has this man travelling as far as the western coast of what we call India, founding Churches along the way. Many centuries later, Christian missionaries were stunned to find the Mar Thoma Church existing and thriving 17 centuries after the resurrection. (I had the honour of knowing and working with one of their priests when I was training in College. He was quite a man—later to be Bishop in his own Church!)
You will notice in this passage, if you dare, that what Thomas asked for, THomas received. Thomas, a person of his age, yet not one to be swayed by others, was not prepared to take anyone else’s word for something so life- and world-changing as Jesus back from the dead. And the point of Jesus’ resurrection was far, far more significant than say the raising of Lazarus. That event was simply a pointer towards this far greater thing.
We are so sheltered, living in Oz. Try being Afghan, for instance, where you would hardly know who was you friend or enemy? Earlier this week, Q&A on ABC TV painted a tragic picture of the future of Afghanistan, with tribal hatreds and animosities ensuring any hope for the future is futile. Back to Thomas ......
Personally, I have to go along with Thomas. He, like many before him, was an inquisitive, searching, exploring sort of person. No pat answers would satisfy this bloke. Be fair dinkum or forget it. And Jesus would have been completely aware of that capacity in the man. So the reason Thomas needed solid answers was because Thomas, along with Jesus, was aware that if the resurrection was real, then not very much in life – or death – remained as before. The goal posts had shifted; the entire atmosphere had been lifted. Death, and evil, and other ugly things were defeated; and the beaut things in life were restored – love is now invincible, justice likewise. Truth can be suppressed but not destroyed. Previously, everyone’s experience was that evil people could control everything, just as they had tried with Jesus’ execution. But He left them all in His wake. And Thomas needed clear evidence that this was so. And Jesus gave it to him. No ifs, no bits, no ‘naughty man, why can’t you believe?’
So this is what faith is. Finding the truth and reality – and living one’s life on the basis of that discovery. Or as I often put it to people, ‘faith is the direction you take on the basis of the evidence in front of you.’
Please put the ‘doubting Thomas’ business to rest. And stand on solid ground. Apart from any other evidence, is it not so patently obvious that truth is far superior to falsehood, love superior to hatred, integrity better than its opposite? And whilst these may not be the most tangible of life issues, it does not make sense to reject them because of that.
Today Don Caddy or Jill Hilbig
Next Sunday Min Araki or Cynthia Macintosh
Next Sunday Reader Jane SIl Intercessor Hal S-C
Sunday after Reader Caroline S Intercessor Max A
Next week Flowers Jan Tregenza Brass Bonnie Tomlinson
Cleaning Susan Lee
Sunday 29 May 2011 2.30pm St Peter’s Cathedral
A concert featuring the stirring sounds and rhythms of the City International Gospel Choir,
Blessed Brothers and the Adelaide Benefit Concert Choir Compere – Ewart Shaw – Adelaide University Radio Payment at the door: $20/$10 or Donation
Fundraising proceeds to the work of the City International Church here and overseas
RSVP appreciated – Contact Doris on 0409 671 031
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon please …….
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