Sunday 10th April, 2011 - Lent V
Our Celebrant today is Warren Huffa
And our preacher is Stephen Daughtry
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. We invite you to join us for breakfast after the 8am service, or morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. Sunday School is held at the 10 am service during School Term times.
Note from Parish Council
People are asked to ensure that both main door entrances to the Church are closed after use to ensure the safety of the children – who tend to run about quite a bit.
Collect for Lent V
Life-giving God, Your Son came into the world to free us all from sin and death: breathe upon us with the power of Your Spirit, that we may be raised to new life in Christ, and serve You in holiness and righteousness al lour days; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen.
TODAY’S READINGS Ezekiel 37: 1—14 & Romans 8: 6—11 read by Paul H
Gospel John 11: 1—45
PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Max A (Intercessors, please be aware that you are able to change the power point presentation to fit your intercessions but you need to liaise with Fr Ron on the Tuesday beforehand. For example you may want a particular image screened during the intercessions and to change the ending prayer.)
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Chris Contro, Yvonne Myers, Jenny Jeffrey, Sid Sweet , Dorothy Furnival, Rev’d Sue Burgess and others known to us
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Melanie Shepherd and Clare Bruce
Readings Isaiah 50: 4—9a & Philippians 2:5—11
Gospel Matthew 27: 11—54
Fr Ron’s Notes available at
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandal Valley
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist
Parish Council minutes are available to all parishioners. If you would like them sent to your email address please see Don and if you would like a hard copy please see Cynthia. Alternatively, they are displayed in the foyer after each meeting. Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month.
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Barb Capon 8278 3584 or Lucinda Hale 8278 8814.
LATEST INFO ON THE TREAURE MARKET - Yvonne Caddy indicates that the nett result from the Market is $5809.41. Congrats again to all involved ….
Report from St. John’s Chaplains
Clare and Warren write a blurb for the St John's newsletter which comes out each fortnight of term. We do alternate fortnights—this one from Clare:
Sunday School - our thanks go to Anna Kelly for all her help in making the bouquets for mothers last Sunday. (Anna is a grandmother (again?) so our spies tell us.) Thanks too, for all offers of old shirts for the children today in their activity.
Passover Meal on 21st April, is to be held in a private home starting at 6.00pm Then all will move to the Church for the 7.30pm service. Mary asks that those planning to attend to add their names to the list in the foyer.
Mothers’ Union has its next meeting set for Thursday 21st April at 2.00pm at the Church. Please brings subscriptions of $32.00 to that meeting please. Margaret Pressley Group Leader
ABM Appeal is now on with envelopes in the foyer. Palm Sunday (April 17) will see the distribution of Palm Crosses and Easter Day will see the return of those ABM envelopes.
Maundy Thursday 9.30am and 7.30pm Eucharist
Good Friday 9.30am Children's Service
10.45 Traditional GF Service
Easter 6.00am Coming of the Light & Eucharist
8.00am Traditional Eucharist
10.00am Easter Eucharist & Renewal of Baptismal Vows
RON-BLOG from today’s readings - The Raising of Lazarus
Here is another of John’s great sign (not miracle, remember?) stories. The raising of Lazarus. As usual the author managed to weave a whole series of significant issues into the tale, one of which tends to be overlooked because people have already made up their minds (falsely quite often) about Thomas. Please note that here you have a bloke who is prepared to go with Christ right up to death and beyond, and that is hardly the action of a doubter, now is it!
Here in this cameo (rather large one certainly!) is the precursor of Jesus’ own death and resurrection for the sake of those supporting Him. Any careful reading of the Gospels will show how our Lord was at very considerable pains, firstly to get the Twelve moving on the business of understanding more fully what He was on about; and then as the crisis began to draw close, to prepare the disciples for the denouement of the Cross. Here was clear illustration that He was Lord of life and death.
If you wonder why Jesus hesitated to travel that little extra distance either before Lazarus’ death or soon after, the answer is not hard to find. Hebrew culture understood that a person’s spirit did not leave the body for two or three days, hence it was ‘necessary’ for Jesus to wait out that time to prove a point: here was no resuscitation of someone comatose. Disintegration had begun, and still Jesus was in charge. “Unbind him and let him go!” was a call that would have resonated in the ears of those followers after the Resurrection: and they were the ones needing unbinding.
More than a preparation for the coming crisis in front of Jesus, here also is a fascinating underlining by Jesus that with God life and living will continue to have its hope in spite of the most drastic opposition from where-ever. But that is the whole Biblical story anyhow, do you see? From Abraham to the Exodus, from Exile right up to the present, we are reminded not to despair, for God is ever the One Who rescues His people even after their worst stupidity and when all hope seems gone. .
And now can you espy the impact of the vision of Ezekiel, that valley of dry bones. Israel, still in Exile and dispirited, was certain that either God had forgotten them—or that He was dead already, had lost hope and direction. Even life! So the prophet pointed them to the faith realities of life, and with a pre-Pentecost coming of the Spirit, bad them get off their bottoms and get on with it.
Planned Giving - First Quarter Statement from Min
From the last quarter of 2009, we started issuing Quarterly Statements that tell you the sum of your contribution made in each quarter, for those parishioners who are using the Planned Giving envelopes. We did not issue the statements for those who are depositing money directly into our church bank account because they should be able to track down the transaction record with their own banking facilities. However, this year the situation is a bit different. For the Planned Giving Scheme, we have been using numbers to identify the parishioners, and in the past years we tried to retain the same numbers in order to reduce possible errors.
This year, however, we had to change some of their numbers to reduce the number of envelopes and thus lower the cost. It seems that we have to do more of this next year, as well. This change seems to have caused some confusion. Therefore, we will issue the Quarterly statements from now on to all parishioners who are participating in the Planned Giving Scheme. The First Quarter Statements can now be found in the envelopes laid out on the table in the church foyer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Thank you. Min, The Recorder
8270-8894(This may change from this July.)
Today Barb Capon or Joy Campbell
Next Sunday Craig Deane or Trevor Tregenza
Next Sunday Reader Paul H Intercessor Ben L
Sunday after Reader Hal S-C Intercessor
Next week Flowers nil Brass Yvonne Caddy
Cleaning Group 2
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday late afternoon please
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