SUNDAY 31st October, 2010
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Our Celebrant today is Rev’d Dr. Warren Huffa
Welcome to William and his family for Baptism
Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or for morning tea after the 10am service. At 10am you will find all the service and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls. There is Sunday School at the 10 am service as usual during Term time.
God our Father, Whose will it is to bring all things to order and unity in our Lord Jesus Christ; may all the peoples of the world, now divided and torn apart by sin, be brought together under His sovereign rule of love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Thoughts from the Gospel
This story of Zacchaeus is a stunning tale of growth of a human being from self-obsession to faith, and it also illustrates the stunning capacity of Jesus to recognize and respond to people in unexpected and surprising situations. Our Lord’s ministry was, primarily, to offer the chance to move forward and develop as human, and this is a remarkable instance.
Read between the lines, and do not miss the ‘small man syndrome’ that seemed to motivate this man. You have come across other examples surely, where little people try to magnify their position to make up for their lack of size and influence. One suspects that Zac became a tax collector simply in order to amass wealth and (somewhat false) status simply to thumb the nose at his contemporaries. That he would have been hated for it would have had little effect: this short man had endured such misjudgement all his life, no doubt.
I find it fascinating that Jesus invited Himself to Zac’s place for lunch. As the tale unfolds, Zac would have been somewhat delighted that Jesus Himself thumbed His nose at current social etiquette for the sake of another human being. Jesus never was one to kow-tow to current social practices, as you will have noticed. And the mere fact that he was seen as human as anyone else may well have been the pivot on which the sudden and powerful change came to that man.
Notice, if you will, the use of the word ‘salvation.’ It has nothing to do with heaven here: it has everything to do with being made whole, being healed, given room to move and grow. It is the opening of the door of opportunity for Zacchaeus to become the person he was created to be. Barriers to that growth were removed, not by Jesus interestingly, but by the little man himself
Habakkuk 1:1-4 & 2:2-4 & 2 Thess :1 —4 & 11 –12 Araki family
GOSPEL Luke 19: 1—10
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little and Barbara Radbone
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Peter Little, Colin Davies, Vic Carpenter
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY – Angela and Neil von Bertouch; Cathy and Graeme Brown
YEAR’S MIND: Olive Forster (1992)
PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY – 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Readings Haggai 1:15b—2:9 and 2 Thess. 2: 1—5 & 13—17
GOSPEL Luke 20: 27—40
Refer Fr Ron’s Notes available at
This Week Ron Keynes or Barb Capon
Next Week Don Caddy or Craig Deane
Next Sunday Reader Clare Bruce Intercessor Marg P
Sunday after Reader David Corbett Intercessor Max A
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
THURSDAY 9.30am Traditional Communion
7.00m Meditation 7.30pm Study Group
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coroman-del Valley
12th November Another Danny Hodgson Swing at Sunset evening of jazz. 7.00pm for 7.30pm. There are flyers available to distribute to people you know. Adults $10; Children free. Sparkling wine, fruit juice or coffee refreshments ($2 donation)
Friday, Nov 19 St John's strings concert Saturday, Nov 20 private booking of hall and outside area 12pm - 5pm. Friday December 3 St John's Year 6 end of year party in hall 5pm-7pm.
St. John’s College will be using the Hall for exams—details on the foyer board
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assis-tance. Call Christie Hodgson on 8370 3260 or Caroline Sweet on 8278 3058
Our very own Don Caddy rated a mention in last Saturday‘s Advertiser, for his work with Living through Cancer. It is 25 years since Don faced the prognosis, but he is still with us. Congrats on all your work, Don.
Robyn Keynes wishes to remind folk that recyclable bottles, cartons and cans can be brought to raise funds for Children’s Ministry. Thank you.
Ross Hill-Brown's participation in the 40 Hour Famine in August raised over $400 for World Vision and he thanks all those who sponsored him.
Requiem for All Souls’ Day: St Peter’s Cathedral Tuesday 2 November, 6pm. The Gregorian Choir will sing a plainsong setting of the Requiem in the Eucharist as we offer an opportunity for quiet reflection and prayer in memory of those we have loved.
Quiet Day - A day for personal prayer and reflection will be held in St Peter‘s Cathedral on Saturday 6 November from 10am-4pm. Sister Mary Cresp will reflect on the ―Communion of Saints‖. Cost $10. Please let the office know if you are coming to the Quiet Day 8267 4551
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or
by Tuesday nights, please
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