Saturday, October 16, 2010


SUNDAY 17th October, 2010
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Our Celebrant today is Rev’d Dr. Matthew Anstey
Our Preacher today is Rev’d Dr. Warren Huffa

Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or for morning tea after the 10am service. At 10am you will find all the service and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls.

There is Sunday School at the 10 am service and today we start again.

Lord, tireless guardian of Your people, teach us to rely, day and night, on Your care; drive us to seek Your justice and Your help and support our prayer lest we grow weary, for in You alone is our strength. We make our prayer through Your Son Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen

From Ron Blog

It almost beggars imagination as to how one might comment on this most significant of passages. It is important for modern readers to realize how steep the learning curve was for those worthy ancients, and a learning curve that left previous experiences for dead. Modern readers need to be aware of the enormous evolution of the faith that took place over centuries and millennia, from Abraham to the time of Jeremiah. Please realize that this was a period of close to 1,500 years. From search for truth, to settledness of law, to – in this passage – the awareness of responsibility of each person and the availability of conscience in the making of moral and other choices. I doubt if there is any other religion or ism that contains anything like the breadth of exploration of life and God than that reflected in Judaism over that time.
Responsibility and conscience. As Paul put it, the Law was the ‘school-teacher’ to bring us to Christ. As with our own children, we begin by telling them what to do and how to do it, but as they grew and matured, we parents stepped back allowing mistakes because young people need to see that being human equals being responsible. My own eldest daughter thrilled me to pieces when, late in her teens, she thanked me for allowing her to make her mistakes. That she saw that was great enough; that she was grateful was enough to bring tears to my eyes.
“The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge.” It is a rather common, present furphy that our bad points come to us through our genes, or through our environment. In Jeremiah’s day, it was common to blame your parents.(You have heard that one yourself surely!)
The real issue that Jeremiah was raising was the business of personal responsibility. As one of my Bishops once commented to a vastly erring young man at our Rectory after a night fleeing from police, ‘Bill, you are human; ergo you are responsible.’ Bill did all he could to refute the charge, but +Bruce left him no room to move. It is an important point: without personal responsibility, our humanness is reduced to penury. With it, the sky is surely the limit.

TODAY’S READINGS read by Trevor T
Jeremiah 29:1. 4– 7 and 2 Timothy 2: 8—15
GOSPEL Luke 17: 11 0 19
We pray for those in need: Warren and Thea, Ron Teague, Michael Boere, Sue Lloyd and Peter Little; and don’t forget Stephen with his gammy yet thankfully improving leg.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: James Raymond, Yvonne Myers, Lily Conlon
YEAR’S MIND: Maurice Paternoster (1999), Doris Caddy (2000) Stan Shepherd (2001)

PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY – 21st Sunday after Pentecost
Readings: Jeremiah 31: 27—34 & 2 Timothy 3:10—4:5
GOSPEL Luke 18: 1—14
Refer Fr Ron’s Notes available at

This Week Trevor Tregenza or Ron Keynes
Next Week Araki Family or Don Caddy

Next Sunday Reader Warren Intercessor Mary V
Sunday after Reader Max A Intercessor Baptism

PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
THURSDAY 9.30am Traditional Communion
7.00m Meditation 7.30pm Study Group
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandel
Baptism on 24th October Eloise Spofforth
Baptism on 31st October William Garnett
12th November Another Danny Hodgson evening of jazz. Mark diaries now!
St. John’s will be using the Hall for exams—details on the foyer board

Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Christie Hodgson on 8370 3260 or Caroline Sweet on 8278 3058
Rev’d Dr. Matthew Anstey is holding a series of lectures at St. Elizabeth’s Church, Oaklands Park on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm. Titled Living well in a complex age cost is $10 per lecture—a little less from pensioners. Contact Rev;d Marian Giles on 8377 2204 for more detail.
The Annual General Meeting of the Mitcham Hills Community Housing Association is being held at 5.30 pm on Wednesday 20th October 2010, in Holy Innocents’ Hall so please come and join us and catch up on the very worthwhile work of this association in providing safe and affordable housing for young people in need. The guest speaker at our AGM will be Stephen Daughtry who is talking about our Ethiopian Library project. A light meal will be served at the conclusion of the meeting. .
Today is definitely the last day for these to be brought to Church. Thank you for your support. Marlene Dixon 8278 8568
What Steve Daughtry doesn‘t tell you—The Adelaide Guardian received a Gold Award for the most improved publication recently With Steve as Editor now you know why, don‘t you!!!!!! Congrats, our man at the Guardian.
There will be a meeting of those interested in Children’s Ministry outside of Church—bike riding in particular—at the Rectory 12a Gulfview Street tomor-row night at 7.30pm. Hope to see you there.
Warren invites members of the Sanctuary Guild to meet at the rectory to talk about how their ministry is going and to look ahead to 2011. Come to either Monday, October 25 or November 1 @ 7:45pm. The address of the rectory is 12a Gulfview Rd, Blackwood. (Gulfview Rd meets Main Rd at Hungry Jack's.) There will be a light supper at around 9:00pm and we will finish by 9:30pm. each night."
LATE NEWS ….. Question Time
is on the go again, at 7.30pm TONIGHT. The matter under review is ‘Who is your God?’ with some surprising speakers. On top of that, Danny Hodgson is providing the music.
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or or 8298 7160
60a Davenport Terrace, Seacliff Park SA 5049 by Tuesday nights, please

Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday night

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