Sunday 16th November 2008 – 27th Sunday after Pentecost
Today’s Officiant at is Revd Dr Warren Huffa
WELCOME Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or morning tea after the 10am service. At 10am please find all prayers and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls.
THE PRAYER FOR TODAY Everliving God, before the earth was formed, and even after it shall cease to be, you are God. Break into our short span of life and show us those things that are eternal, that we may serve your purpose in all we do; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
TODAY’S READINGS 1Thess 5:1-11by John F GOSPEL Matt 25:14-30
Now, this is perhaps going to sound a little underwhelming, but Jesus is meant to be the source of salvation. "For God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1Thess 5:9) The logical obverse of this is the possibility of 'wrath', but Christianity does not present salvation and 'wrath' as two equal pathways, one of which must be chosen when you get to the fork in the road. Christianity's hope is that all will be saved. (Rom 5:12-21; 1Tim 2:4) And if we think of this in terms of 'the fork in the road', the two possibilities are not equally weighted. Jesus Christ makes the path to salvation heavily weighted in our favour. The superabundance of God's love in Christ overshadows the estrangement of creation. Could God even save me? Yes, in Christ, even me. (This is the point to start reflection upon sin and salvation, and the possibility of either.) Christ forgave sinners, and, as he pointed out, all sin. (John 8:1-11)
However, this is our hope. It is not a tenet of belief. There is just too much in Scripture (much of it straight from Jesus) and the experience of our own perversity that must leave open the possibility of damnation. For those who pay lip service to Christianity's hope of universal salvation while emphasizing judgment and 'wrath', the shock of the Jesus who calls sinners as disciples (Lk 5:27-28), ate with them (Lk 5:29-31), forgave them (Lk 7:36-50), and told parables about them (Lk 15), needs to sink into the bones once again. And by this I mean deep into ourselves, to know our perversity and the grace that heals, and from there reacquaint ourselves with grace. The superabundance of grace. For those who have forgotten that there remains a fork in the road, it is important to remember Bonhoeffer's teaching about cheap and costly grace.
But what if we were to hang onto our hope that all will be saved, but through costly grace? It seems to me that those who hold to the hope of universal salvation have a tendency toward cheap grace. Let's put our hope in God's power through Christ and the Spirit to change the human heart, and even when the human heart remains cold, let us hope in the Christ who has harrowed hell itself. And in this hope preach and live a costly grace, and still hang onto the hope of St Paul himself.
Therefore just as one man's trespass led to condemnation for all, so one man's act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all. For just as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. (Rom 5:18-19).
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE by Margaret Pressley We pray for those in need especially Anne Bills, Betty and Walter, Janet and Peter, Anna, Joy, Ben Ashby, Ros Haysman, Ron Teague, Eric Downes, Dianne Cordes, Ben Forster, Phyllis Morecroft, Heather, Juliet, Annie Tangey, Ryan Thomas, Baby Harry Jones & his family, Claire Staskevicius & Bobbie Forster. Thanks for the healing of Blake Vause, Murray Forster and Annie Tangey. Thanks for the birth of Jamie William Milosevic on 14th October (brother for Mia). We pray for the soul of Mary Barrow, Jane Matthews & Audrey Crouch whose years mind occurs at this time.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bethany for the 17th & Ros for the 19th.
PREPARATION FOR NEXT WEEK’S SERVICE – Ephesians 1:15-23 by Arndrae GOSPEL Matthew 25:31-46
On Sunday 30 November, 7 & 14 December, there will be a chance to look at each of the following Sunday’s readings - from about 11.30 for an hour with Canon Ron . Notes supplied.
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month h
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday
HOLY COMMUNION 9.30am every Thursday followed by morning tea in the hall.
We are currently updating the Parish Directory. If you would like to have name and or any of your details included, or you would like changes to your existing entry, please fill in the form at the back of this edition of the pew sheet or collect a form from the table in the foyer, fill it in and give it to Warren, Cynthia or Wendy no later than 30 November.
Part of being Christian community together is supporting each other when we need help. From a once-off delivery of food to transport or any other assistance the Helpline is a structured way of us providing this assistance to each other easily and confidentially. So please ring the Helpline coordinators, Iris or Marlene for any assistance at all.
ABM Joan has a small collection of cards priced at $5.00 and $7.50 per 10 cards. Proceeds from sale for the support of ABM. Some of the cards are illustrated in the back page of "Partners", the ABM magazine which is available on the table in the foyer. The cards will be available for sale AFTER TODAY’S SERVICE.
After the Services on 23/11/08 a plate will be placed in the foyer for donations to be made towards the costs of the Year 7 bags distributed by the Christian Pastoral Support Workers (School Chaplains) to those leaving primary school for high school. They contain information on how to avoid bullying etc. plus some goodies like fruit bars and make the task of going to high school a little easier. All member churches are being asked for a contribution towards the cost. Please give generously.”
MOTHER’S UNTION END OF YEAR LUNCH – THURSDAY 20TH NOVEMBER at 12 noon at the RSL Club Restaurant, 18 Brighton Parade, Blackwood. Enquiries Margaret P
WATCH STATELINE ON ABC FRIDAY 21ST NOVEMBER to find out all about One Village Charity.
SATURDAY 22nd NOVEMBER 9am-12noon
We need to prepare the court yard for the new paving commencing shortly.
We also need to do a little spring cleaning and with Mitcham Council’s annual hard rubbish collection for Belair the following week what better time to “tidy up or tip it out”! For further details see Marcus after this morning service or call Craig
OUR PATRONAL FESTIVAL (when we celebrate Holy Innocents day)
Followed by BBQ lunch. Please put your name on the list in the foyer and bring a salad or sweet. See Mary V for details.
At the Capri Theatre, Goodwood Tickets $15 Concession $12 Tickets can be purchased online at or from Wendy.
PLANNED GIVING SUNDAY NOVEMBER 30TH You are invited to hear our hopes for 2009. The presentation at both the 9am and 10am services will expand on the Mission Budget 2009. Please collect your information pack in the foyer.
SUNDAY 7 DEC 2PM Take this opportunity to approach Christmas through art.
BLACKWOOD PAGEANT - FRIDAY 1 DECEMBER Please come along and walk to create a strong Christian presence. See Ross for details.
SPRING CLEANING.......remember our 2009 Church Treasure Market is only months away! Yes..... when cleaning and tidying up around your home or out in the shed, remember to put aside those items you think would be suitable for our next Treasure Market Planned for March 2009. For more details please speak to Marilyn
(full minutes are available for reading on the notice board in the foyer)
John Wilson tabled this month’s report from the Rectory Building Committee
(1.) Signing of the agreement between Diocese and School for sale and purchase of the old Rectory is nearly complete
(2.) The Archbishop has approved the designs for the proposed new building.
(3.) The planning approval process is in train for Mitcham Council/ Heritage/ significant trees/ local residents/ Country Fire Service/ SAWater/ Land Titles.
The Design Committee is working on such issues as water supply, water storage and fire pumps.
St John's will be holding the Year 12 end of year exams in our hall from Monday 3 November until Wednesday 19 November 2008.
Forward to Wendy by 5pm Tuesdays
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