Friday, March 15, 2013


Sunday 17th March, 2013 Fifth Sunday in Lent WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Sunday School is well into action Collect for today Christ, Whose feet were caressed with perfume and a woman’s hair, You humbly took a basin and towel and washed the feet of Your friends; wash us also in Your tenderness, that embracing Your service freely, we may accept no other bondage in Your Name. Amen Today’s Readings Lent V read by Arndrae L Readings Isaiah 43:16—21 and Philippians 3: 3—13 GOSPEL John 12: 1—8 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Wendy M We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Ann Daughtry, Pat Pater, Jan and Mollie, Eddy Klose, Bonney Tomlinson, Allan Pressley, Ben Forster HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kumiko Araki, Barbara Corbett HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Iris and Eric Downes YEAR’S MIND— Shirley Marston (2005), Anne Martin (1999), Edwina Christie (2000) Harlod Crouch (2009) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Lent VI Passion Sunday Readings Isaiah 50: 4—9a and Philippians 2: 5—11 GOSPEL Luke 22: 14—23 REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS - PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm Next meeting this coming Thursday (21st) at 2.00pm with Guest Speaker Graham Baines who tells the story of an ancient chasuble found in their Church recently. This vestment was dated from 1485, has been restored and is now on permanent display at the Church of St. John, Poulton Le-Fylde in Lancashire. WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 4.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Friday Morning HI Tea and Coffee is on again from 8.30am. Don’t miss the chance for a yarn Lenten Studies are to be held on Luke’s Gospel. Meetings for this week are: Tuesday at 10 in the foyer, and 7.30pm in the Rectory and next Sunday 11.30am in the Church The second of our READY, SET, GO Children's Ministry Events is set for 3.30pm TODAY . All youngsters and their rellies are invited, and watch out for a donkey or two, and other items as well. The Annual Vestry Meeting of the Parish will be held after Church on Palm Sunday 24th March. HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Jill Hilbig or Joy Campbell Good Friday Ron Keynes or Barb Capon Easter Jill Hilbig or Joy Campbell READER AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Hal S-C Intercessor Mary V Sunday after Reader Neil T Intercessor tba SANCTUARY ROSTER Next Sunday Flowers No flowers Brass Yvonne Caddy Cleaning Group 4 The Lenten Envelope Appeal Thank you to those who have already returned their Lenten offering envelope. The offerings still to be returned may be placed in the offertory plate today or on Palm Sunday or Easter Day. Parish Directory We are looking for someone to spend the time collating the information we need to produce a revised parish directory. It is not difficult work, just some chasing up and encouraging people to get their details in. If you are interested please see Warren or Wendy. Parish Camp Friday 8 - Sunday 10 November 2013 at Pt Elliot Caravan Park Powered site $33/night Units $115/night, Cabins $90/night For more details refer notice board in the hall or contact Wendy Morecroft 0400576364 RONBLOG on today’s Readings Isaiah in particular In our country and culture at least, the values of the Faith tend to be overwhelmed by other life-styles and views, to the extent that many people are wondering ‘where it will all end.’ That is a question people have been putting to me for at least 40 years or more now. And like dear old Isaiah of the ancient world, we need to take a long-range view if we are to be both factual, and confident as we face the future whatever it may bring. So what does this series of readings offer a person right here and now? For me, the greatest thing is hope for the future. Hope is no use to anyone if it is little else than ‘castles in the air.’ Something rather more substantial is called for, surely. And to my mind, you have it right in these readings. If there is one thing that has long sustained me in life and faith, it has been the reiterated emphases of the Old Testament prophets, oddly enough. You will know my views on Isaiah well enough, too. That great visionary was for ever encouraging the people of his own day and age by reminding them of the nature and activity of God. And that nature had become quite clear to Isaiah as he looked back over centuries of Israel’s history. (It was not based on fluff!!!) There is no pointing to dramatic or miraculous events and interventions, but the firm and gentle reminder that the God with Whom we have to do is the God Who rescues His people even from their own folly and disbelief. Check out the stories of Abraham, of the Exodus, of the Exile. And if that is not enough, go on with the New Testament and the Cross of Christ. Mind you, there is more to the story that just ‘rescue.’ In each of the situations, there were shown up the need for change and growth and development. On top of that, little really did change unless and until ordinary human beings put their ‘money where their mouth was.’ This God of ours works always through you. His hands are your hands. I have more than a sneaky suspicion that some quiet may be useful here, to take on board what has been put in front of us. EASTER SERVICES March 28 Maundy Thursday, 9.30am Eucharist 7:30pm Eucharist (Last Supper) March 29 Good Friday, 9.30am Children's Service Stations of the Cross 10.45am Traditional Good Friday Service March 30 EASTER 6.30am Lighting of the Paschal fire and Eucharist, 8.00am Traditional Eucharist 10.00am Contemporary Eucharist

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