Friday, February 1, 2013


Sunday 3rd February, 2013 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Sunday School is back in action today Collect for today Righteous God, You confound the world’s wisdom by giving Your blessing to the lowly and pure in heart; give us such a hunger and thirst for justice, and perseverance in striving for peace, that in all we do, the world may see the promise of Your kingdom which ahs been revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever Amen Today’s Readings Fourth Sunday after Epiphany read by David C Readings: Jeremiah 1: 4—10 and Corinthians 13: 1—13 GOSPEL Luke 4: 21—30 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Mary V We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Ann Daughtry, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Janet Phillips, Jan and Mollie, Eddy Klose . Robyn Keynes’ sister Pam . HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kira Eve Barber HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Neal and Sharon Barber YEAR’S MIND— Bette Tickle (2002) Michaerl Bingham (2005) Gordon Hannaford (1994) Shirley Burkitt (2003) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Last Sunday of Epiphany—Transfiguration Readings Exodus 34:29—35 and 2 Corinthians 3: 12—42 GOSPEL Luke 9: 26—36 (37-45) REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS - PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm—next meeting February 21st WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 5.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Friday Morning HI Tea and Coffee is on again from 8.30am. Don’t miss the chance for a yarn Mary Vandepeer is planning the Shrove Tuesday event, and asks all who plan to attend to provide fillings for the pancakes that evening please. Colin Wright, the Keynes’ son-in-law, Colin Wright, Ancient History teacher at TRAC, Wagga, discovered reference to the original and encouraged his class to recreate the mosaic shown on the front page. It was discovered recently in a yard in Britain—said to be of Jesus. Well, maybe. You are reminded of the forthcoming WORLD DAY OF PRAYER on Friday 1st March at 10.00am at Holy Innocents’ Church. We are hosting the event, and all are encouraged to attend. Warren is planning Lenten Studies with tentative arrangements being for Monday mornings at the Church and Tuesday evenings at the Rectory. More closer to the time. HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Ron Keynes or Barb Capon Following week Joy Campbell or Craig Deane READER AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Vanessa D Intercessor Warren Sunday after Reader Eric D Intercessor Hal S-C SANCTUARY ROSTER Next Sunday Flowers Noelene Carter Brass Yvonne Caddy Cleaning Group 1 ADVANCE NOTICE Parish Camp Friday 8 - Sunday 10 November 2013 at Pt Elliot Caravan Park Powered site $33/night Units $115/night, Cabins $90/night For more details refer notice board in the hall or contact Wendy Morecroft 0400576364 St Barnabas’ Theological College Commencement Monday 25 February 2013, 6.30 pm – St Peter’s Cathedral Our theological college will celebrate the new academic year with its Commencement Service, commencing at 6.30 pm. This will include the presentation of prizes to several students to commemorate their success in theological studies. The Guest Preacher will be Dr Ben Myers, one of Australia’s leading young theologians. Following the evensong service, the Commencement Lecture will be held starting at 7.30pm. The title of Dr Ben Myer’s talk is God and Other Strangers: Rowan Williams and Theology in the Public Square. Parishioners are welcome to attend the Service and/or Lecture. If you have any queries please telephone the College on 8340 0411. RONBLOG on today’s Epistle What an Epistle – which used to be one of the best-known passages in Scripture. Paul’s panegyric on love. This surely is one of the greatest levellers of all time. Love. What a word that carries all the beauty and ugliness in English, because it is one word only. Greek has at least three words and the one used by Paul is, so I am led to believe, one that he dredged up from past desuetude. Long out of use, Paul decided that the Divine love needed a word all of its own and here it is. Agape. . (And even this word has been abused in this State in recent years.) This Divine love has been defined as ‘love that is offered and persists not because of who the loved person is but in spite of who that person is.’ Most of us respond with love to love, but here is something several steps ahead of it. God’s sort of love, as Paul conveys it that reaches out to the unloved. What really gives the rest of us the willies is that Paul expressed the challenge for Christians to express that sort of love to others. Whilst one may say that it is better to aim for the impossible, than to aim at nothing and hit it, the scenario remains a huge challenge. Even heading in such a direction can be a huge benefit to people around us. And if you go on to think about it, there lies the direction and challenge of Epiphany for Christian people today. This is not just going the second mile, but the third and the fourth. And in a day and age so bereft of such love, the impact will be greater, will it not?

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