Friday, January 4, 2013


Sunday 6th January, 2013 Epiphany  WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Collect for the Epiphany Eternal God, Who by a star led the Magi to the worship of Your Son; guide the nations of the earth by Your light, that the whole world may see Your glory, through Jesus Christ Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever Amen Today’s Readings Epi8phany read by Mary V Readings Isaiah 60: 1—6 and Ephesians 3: 1—12 GOSPEL Matthew 2: 1—12 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Ann Daughtry, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Janet Phillips. Recovering from pneumonia, Jan and Mollie Hal Shaw-Calverley has had surgery. Robyn Keynes’ older sister Pam. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Joyce and Bob Arnold, Mary and Stuart Vandepeer YEAR’S MIND— Rita Shiack (2006) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY The Baptism of our Lord Readings Isaiah 43: 1—7 and Acts 8: 14—17 GOSPEL Luke 3:15—22 HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd    8278 4260   and Lucinda Hale    8278 8814 POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Min Araki or Ron Keynes Following week Cynthia Macintosh or Don Caddy READER AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Max A Intercessor Wendy M Sunday after Reader Arakis Intercessor Ben L SANCTUARY ROSTER Next Sunday Flowers Jan T Brass Margaret C Cleaning Group 4 SPECIAL N.B. A small triptych of the Nativity was left in the Germein Room. Owner please collect from foyer. Also a small wooden cross has been taken from the Germein Room, used for Sunday School for 3 years. If anyone has seen it, please let Robyn Keynes know. The Hall will be unavailable to all from tomorrow until the following Tuesday. The floor is being resurfaced. CHAPEL SERVICES AT FLINDERS MEDICAL CENTRE Holy Innocents' parish is rostered to help on four occasions each year. We visit patients in the wards and take those who are able, to the service in the chapel at 11am. We also make a list of people who would like us to pray for them during the service. The dates for 2013 are: 13th January, 14th April, 14th July, 13th October Helpers are asked to be at the chapel by 10am. If anyone would like to be part of this worthwhile and rewarding ministry, please speak to me or phone me on 8278 2837. Jean Fordham. RONBLOG on today’s Reading s In a first century world of Judaism, there really was nobody other than ‘us’ who mattered a damn to God. “”Chosen people’’ tend to look no further than their own parameters so Judaism was for Jews, full stop, Amen! God had no other interests—so they thought. All that was in spite of centuries of OT Prophets who pointed to a rather wider view, no one seemed to take a lot of notice. You will be aware that, even after the Resurrection, Peter was still hung up by the food laws in spite of being a ‘bush’ Jew. And then there was the business in Acts 15 as to whether non-Jews should have any part in the new movement. Magi! I remember my shock and horror when – after having called them the ‘Wise Men from the East’ for decades, the Greek made it quite clear that these were following the horoscope! Talk about horror! That whole business was anathema to the Christian, some of whom were fearful of the power of the occult! But here they were, the Wise Men, Magi, magicians, however few or many there were, with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They seemed to understand more of what was going on with the birth of Jesus than even the Jews themselves. And that is really shocking. Gold, frankincense, myrrh. King and God and sacrifice ..... That is the shock-horror of Epiphany. Here was a group of people searching for the truth who found it, ... and the Chosen People had to come to terms with that awful fact. There were no ‘God-secrets,’ for the truth has always been available to genuine seekers after it, wherever and whoever they are. And the People of God have to recognize that and respond to it positively .

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