Friday, January 25, 2013


Sunday 27th January, 2013 Third Sunday after Epiphany WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Sunday School will be back in action next Sunday Collect for today Life-giving God, Who sent Your Son Jesus to proclaim Your kingdom, and to teach with authority; anoint us with Your Spirit, that we too may bring good news to the poor, bind up the broken-hearted, and proclaim liberty to the captives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Today’s Readings Third Sunday after Epiphany read by Clare B Readings Nehemiah 8: 1 – 3, 5-6, 8-10 and 1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 31 GOSPEL Luke 4: 14 - 21 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Sue D-T We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Ann Daughtry, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Janet Phillips, Jan and Mollie, Eddy Klose (prostate ca) . Robyn Keynes’ older sister Pam .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Barbara Rathbone, Jane Raymond, Andrew Kelly, Lucy Thomas, Kirby Huffa HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Lucinda and David Hale Rosemary and Sean Conlon YEAR’S MIND— PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Readings: Jeremiah 1: 4—10 and 1 Corinthians 13: 1—13 GOSPEL Luke 4: 21—30 REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS - most activities do not start till February PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm—next meeting February 21st WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 5.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Next Saturday February 2nd is the next event. Friday Morning HI Tea and Coffee is on again from 8.30am. Don’t miss the chance for a yarn Mary Vandepeer is planning the Shrove Tuesday event, and asks for volunteers for cooking the pancakes that evening. Please contact Mary V herself, or Jan Tregenza. You are reminded of the forthcoming WORLD DAY OF PRAYER on Friday 1st March. The Theme for the day is Í was a stranger and you took me in. More information will be provided as the day draws closer….. Spies tell us that the Sweets Senior are now great-grandparents, and Jane’s daughter has provided the joy! HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Don Caddy or Cynthia Macintosh Following week Ron Keynes or Barb Capon READER AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader David C Intercessor Mary V Sunday after Reader Vanessa D Intercessor Warren SANCTUARY ROSTER Next Sunday Flowers Iris Downes Brass Caroline & Sid Sweet Cleaning Cleaner ADVANCE NOTICE Parish Camp Friday 8 - Sunday 10 November 2013 at Pt Elliot Caravan Park Powered site $33/night Units $115/night, Cabins $90/night For more details refer notice board in the hall or contact Wendy Morecroft 0400576364 RONBLOG on today’s Readings All who oppose the Faith, discarding it as superstition, would do well to give some time to stop and think about this Gospel reading. In fact, it seems to me to demand attention to all who consider the choice of which way to head in life.. What is even more fascinating to me is the fact that six centuries before Christ, the prophet Isaiah was pondering what God was pointing people to at the time of the devastating Exile in Babylon when all seemed totally lost. Sadly I discover from Jewish friends that they see nothing at all interesting in Isaiah’s Servant Songs, and I dare to wonder if that is because they reject anything that tastes of Jesus. I hope I am quite wrong. On the other hand, Christians themselves tend to miss rather too much of the point of those same Songs. Always ready to see its anticipation of Jesus, they fail to see further. The reason they point to Jesus (from where we sit) is because of this passage where Jesus makes that connection so strongly. But look more deeply – and see that (a) the entire Judaic/Christian Faith is there to offer a staggering answer to the human dilemma (who are we and what are we here for,) and (b) here lies the answer to all that Genesis 3 and 4 (and onwards) underlines. If one looks for the answer to and remedy for human evil, here it is, ‘writ large and clear,’ and is the primary function of the Gospel. The answer to human evil is NOT to be punitive, but redemptive. The entire process of reconciliation and restoration is long and costly, and the Divine answer to evil is not Hell, but lies where the Cross of Christ points. This has all to do with finding paths towards reconciliation and redemption of relationships.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Sunday 20th January, 2013 Second Sunday after Epiphany Welcome to Asher and Thomas WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Collect for today Bountiful God, Whose Son revealed His glory at Cana of Galilee, help us to believe and obey so that, as our Saviour promised, we may be filled with the wine of new life, and show forth His joy and love, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen Today’s Readings Epiphany II read by Araki family Readings: Isaiah 62: 1—5 and 1 Corinthians 12: 1– 11 GOSPEL John 2: 1—11 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Wendy M We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Ann Daughtry, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Janet Phillips,, Jan and Mollie, Eddy Klose (prostate ca) Hal Shaw-Calverley,. Robyn Keynes’ older sister Pam.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anthony Kelly, Tom Araki HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Anthony and Alysia Kelly YEAR’S MIND— Valerie Hall (2009) George Forward (1996) George McAuliffe (1990) Bess Newland (2013) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Third Sunday after Epiphany Readings Nehemiah 8: 1 – 3, 5-6, 8-10 and 1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 31 GOSPEL Luke 4: 14 - 21 REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS - some activities do not start till February PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm—next meeting February WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 5.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Again, not till February 2nd Friday Morning HI Tea and Coffee is on again from 8.30am. Don’t miss the chance for a yarn HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 Should anyone wish to send support to Tassie bushfire-victims , the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania offers the following opportunities. Contact Fr. Ron is you require further information: 1. Direct deposit into the bank account for Anglican Health and Welfare BSB: 067-000 Account Number: 10720017 Reference: Bushfire (plus surname) Please send an email to letting us know of your donation, including your name and address, so that a tax-deductible receipt can be sent to you. 2. Cheque made out to Anglican Health and Welfare and sent to GPO Box 748, Hobart TAS 7001. Be sure to include your name and address so that a tax-deductible receipt can be sent to you. OR 3. Online credit card donations can be made through our Anglicare website: http:// . A receipt for tax deductible donations will be mailed out if the caller leaves their mailing address POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Ron Keynes or Joy Campbell Following week Don Caddy or Cynthia Macintosh READER AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Clare D Intercessor Sue D-T Sunday after Reader David C Intercessor Mary V SANCTUARY ROSTER Next Sunday Flowers Marilyn Little Brass Joan D Cleaning Group 5 RONBLOG on today’s Readings If some people find this story of water into wine somewhat hard to swallow, it may help to realize the extent to which Biblical stories are often rather more imaginative than real. If that bothers you, please do see that humans often vary the facts to suit the ‘lesson’ without a single blush. The story of Jonah and the whale is an instance, for no author even then or ever after expected anyone to believe that a person could survive in the belly of a great fish: water would get them before digestive juices. And if you remain somewhat shocked, how does the Gallipoli legend strike you? A sound defeat is still trumpetted as the birthplace of our nation. The reality that we celebrate, however, remains untouched does it not! So what have we done with the Faith, and the expression of it? This story points to an awful lot of wine, so get the implication that much of the fun seems to have been removed from the Faith, from worship and from life. There, surely, lies an area where we need to be having a long hard look to change things. Mind you, such a change needs to have solid ground underneath it. The Faith is not some sort of ‘feel good’ panacea, but that with which life can be laced with a joy and gladness that includes having one’s feet very firmly on the ground. This Faith, as Scripture underlines and worship should also, has far more to do with responding to the human dilemma brought about by what we call sin. That response is a gentle one of meeting human failure, not with judgement but with a way of reconciliation. It contains all the beneficial elements in life of compassion and love, but also with justice and truth. It may sound all a little impotent and low-key, but the reality of outcomes can be far more creative and productive. And it is designed to be expressed here, not waiting for some future Nirvana, but right now. One need look only to the most recent headlines in papers or on TV, to be reminded of our terribly human capacity to head off into directions diametrically opposite – revenge and retaliation, for instance, and then wonder why the problems and conflicts escalate. Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that so-called Christian democracies call out for retaliation! Would you like me to list the battlefields? What strikes me as most odd here in our own country is that the cynical disregard of the Christian ethic leaves many of our leaders propounding the very policies that do nothing but escalate the problems rather than alleviate them. Truth of course is the first casualty, which means fairness drops right off the radar. So much of our government direction is ego-driven, having nothing to do with the solution of issues.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Sunday 13th January, 2013 Baptism of our Lord WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Collect for today Spirit of energy and change, in Whose power Jesus was anointed to be the hope of the nations; be poured out also upon us, without reserve or distinction, that we may have confidence and strength to implant justice on the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord., Amen Today’s Readings The Baptism of our Lord read by Max A Readings Isaiah 43: 1—7 and Acts 8: 14—17 GOSPEL Luke 3:15—22 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Wendy M We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Ann Daughtry, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Janet Phillips, recovering from pneumonia, Jan and Mollie, Hal Shaw-Calverley,. Robyn Keynes’ older sister Pam.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anthony Kelly, Tom Araki HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Anthony and Alysia Kelly YEAR’S MIND— Valerie Hall (2009) George Forward (1996) George McAuliffe (1990) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Epiphany II Readings: Isaiah 62: 1—5 and 1 Corinthians 12: 1– 11 GOSPEL John 2: 1—11 REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS - some activities do not start till February PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy YOUNG PEOPLE’S GROUP 5pm every second Sunday 14th at Daughtry’s home MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm—next meeting February WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 5.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Again, not till February 2nd HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 Should anyone wish to send support to Tassie bushfire-victims, the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania offers the following opportunities. Contact Fr. Ron if you require further information: 1. Direct deposit into the bank account for Anglican Health and Welfare BSB: 067-000 Account Number: 10720017 Reference: Bushfire (plus surname) Please send an email to letting us know of your donation, including your name and address, so that a tax-deductible receipt can be sent to you. 2. Cheque made out to Anglican Health and Welfare and sent to GPO Box 748, Hobart TAS 7001. Be sure to include your name and address so that a tax-deductible receipt can be sent to you. OR 3. Online credit card donations can be made through our Anglicare website: . A receipt for tax deductible donations will be mailed out if the caller leaves their mailing address POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Cynthia Macintosh or Don Caddy Following week Ron Keynes or Joy Campbell READER AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Arakis Intercessor Ben L Sunday after Reader `Clare D Intercessor Sue D-T SANCTUARY ROSTER Next Sunday Flowers Baines Brass Bonney T Cleaning Cleaner SPECIAL N.B. A small triptych of the Nativity was left in the Germein Room. Owner please collect from foyer. Also a small wooden cross has been taken from the Germein Room, used for Sunday School for 3 years. If anyone has seen it, please let Robyn Keynes know. RONBLOG on today’s Readings—Baptism The indisputable facts are that from early Jewry, the Faith was ringed and supported by a large series of covenants: a close look at Genesis on will underline that situation, although it has to be said that some of those covenants take some following, and understanding. Still, one needs to see them in the light of what was then current thinking and theology. Also it needs to be seen quite clearly that the Biblical covenants were not to be seen as agreements between two equals, God and people, but it is ever God Who set the agenda, and humans are left with the choice of saying yes or no to the offer. Start off with the clear proposition that baptism in NOT a name-giving ceremony. It is the offer to people to become part of the covenant family, and that is offered to youngsters long before they have a clue of what is going on. On offer is the challenge to be part of the ‘People of God,’ in OT terms, Israel and in NT terms, the Church. I feel rather certain that the Jews had the clearest and best idea: that the Faith was always imparted within the family rather than Temple or synagogue. (I am happy to be corrected if this is not so.) The Faith of Israel was very much the expression of family which is where youngsters learn all aspects of their Faith and life. There are not many people, these days, who begin to see the Biblical reality. Not only has the Faith become a ‘personal and private matter,’ but the very idea of covenant and community is alien to their thoughts and aspirations. The great sadness of all that shows up in so many other areas of life and community, the latter being seen as almost insignificant to many. We have neighbours in this town who actually turn their back rather than even greet those around them, would you believe? After many years in rural and remote areas, this is an aspect of city life with which I can do without!!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2013


Sunday 6th January, 2013 Epiphany  WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Collect for the Epiphany Eternal God, Who by a star led the Magi to the worship of Your Son; guide the nations of the earth by Your light, that the whole world may see Your glory, through Jesus Christ Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever Amen Today’s Readings Epi8phany read by Mary V Readings Isaiah 60: 1—6 and Ephesians 3: 1—12 GOSPEL Matthew 2: 1—12 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Ann Daughtry, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Janet Phillips. Recovering from pneumonia, Jan and Mollie Hal Shaw-Calverley has had surgery. Robyn Keynes’ older sister Pam. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Joyce and Bob Arnold, Mary and Stuart Vandepeer YEAR’S MIND— Rita Shiack (2006) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY The Baptism of our Lord Readings Isaiah 43: 1—7 and Acts 8: 14—17 GOSPEL Luke 3:15—22 HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd    8278 4260   and Lucinda Hale    8278 8814 POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Min Araki or Ron Keynes Following week Cynthia Macintosh or Don Caddy READER AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Max A Intercessor Wendy M Sunday after Reader Arakis Intercessor Ben L SANCTUARY ROSTER Next Sunday Flowers Jan T Brass Margaret C Cleaning Group 4 SPECIAL N.B. A small triptych of the Nativity was left in the Germein Room. Owner please collect from foyer. Also a small wooden cross has been taken from the Germein Room, used for Sunday School for 3 years. If anyone has seen it, please let Robyn Keynes know. The Hall will be unavailable to all from tomorrow until the following Tuesday. The floor is being resurfaced. CHAPEL SERVICES AT FLINDERS MEDICAL CENTRE Holy Innocents' parish is rostered to help on four occasions each year. We visit patients in the wards and take those who are able, to the service in the chapel at 11am. We also make a list of people who would like us to pray for them during the service. The dates for 2013 are: 13th January, 14th April, 14th July, 13th October Helpers are asked to be at the chapel by 10am. If anyone would like to be part of this worthwhile and rewarding ministry, please speak to me or phone me on 8278 2837. Jean Fordham. RONBLOG on today’s Reading s In a first century world of Judaism, there really was nobody other than ‘us’ who mattered a damn to God. “”Chosen people’’ tend to look no further than their own parameters so Judaism was for Jews, full stop, Amen! God had no other interests—so they thought. All that was in spite of centuries of OT Prophets who pointed to a rather wider view, no one seemed to take a lot of notice. You will be aware that, even after the Resurrection, Peter was still hung up by the food laws in spite of being a ‘bush’ Jew. And then there was the business in Acts 15 as to whether non-Jews should have any part in the new movement. Magi! I remember my shock and horror when – after having called them the ‘Wise Men from the East’ for decades, the Greek made it quite clear that these were following the horoscope! Talk about horror! That whole business was anathema to the Christian, some of whom were fearful of the power of the occult! But here they were, the Wise Men, Magi, magicians, however few or many there were, with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They seemed to understand more of what was going on with the birth of Jesus than even the Jews themselves. And that is really shocking. Gold, frankincense, myrrh. King and God and sacrifice ..... That is the shock-horror of Epiphany. Here was a group of people searching for the truth who found it, ... and the Chosen People had to come to terms with that awful fact. There were no ‘God-secrets,’ for the truth has always been available to genuine seekers after it, wherever and whoever they are. And the People of God have to recognize that and respond to it positively .