Friday, November 9, 2012
Sunday 11th November, 2012
Welcome to Campbell and his family
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome.
Sunday School is in action, young people!
Collect for the day
Blessed Lord, You have caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Your Holy Word we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of eternal life which You have given us in our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Today’s Readings read by Clare B
Readings Ruth 3:1-5 & 4:3—17 and Hebrews 9:23 –28
GOSPEL Mark 12: 38—44
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family, Dianne Cordes. Tommy Ferguson, Bob Arnold, Margaret Pressley, Danny Hodgson, Ann Daughtry, Dennis and Walter, Chris Barber, Pat Pater, Susan Daulby, Bonney Tomlinson, - - home again now - Janet Phillips., Jan, Mollie and Margaret.
YEAR’S MIND— Jane Matthews (1996) Audrey Gaskell Crouch (2002)
Readings 1 Samuel 1:4—20 and Hebrews 10: 11—14 & 19—25
GOSPEL Mark 13:1-11
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.30pm Evening Prayer with Wendy
YOUNG PEOPLE’S GROUP 5pm every second Sunday 14th at Daughtry’s home
MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm
Mothers' Union reports that the result of the Trading Table was $350.00, for which they thank everyone. This amount goes to East African Women’s Literacy programmes - and some Men’s, too, - which is a major effort of MU in Africa.
WALKING CHURCH First Saturday of each month at 5.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge.
Craig Deane wishes to thank all who were involved in the recent Working Bee at the Church. So much necessary work was done and all manner of improvements done!!
Friday morning tea recommences on Friday 16th November, thanks to the return of the Bains from the UK. All are welcome.
We are pleased to let you know that we sent 29 Shoes Boxes and l donation to the Samaritan’s Purse this year. Slight improvement over last year. Thank you all so much for filling these boxes. Much appreciated. Marlene Dixon
Please keep Saturday 1st December, 10am at St. Peter’s Cathedral, clear for Stephen Daughtry’s Ordination as priest. Also Wendy Morecroft and Clare Bruce have been selected for Discernment by the Diocese, in moves towards training and possible Ordination.
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814
Friday 7th December is the Blackwood Pageant. As in previous years it will be led by the churches and it is hoped as many of you as possible can turn out and walk with our church banner. Meet in Gulfview Road, near Hungry Jacks end at about 5.30 pm for a 6.30 kick off."
Next Sunday Ron Keynes 0r Barb Capon
Sunday after Joy Campbell or Ron Keynes
Next Sunday Reader David C Intercessor Don B
Sunday after Reader Vanessa Intercessor Vanessa
Next week Flowers Iris Downes Brass Yvonne Caddy
Cleaning Group 5
Plans are shaping up well for our Sunday afternoon Family Fun Day on December 2nd at 4.00 pm. We are asking folk to help with craft and activities and the Mothers’ Union for refreshments, and in the meantime would you (a) bring to Church any old Christmas cards (preferably no Santas!) and (b) any catalogues advertising Christmas gifts and shopping (junk mail really!) Robyn Keynes asks people to save their 2 ltr wine-casks, please—they are very useful as building blocks for junior Sunday School. (No rude comments please!!!)
Friday 7th December is the Blackwood Pageant. As in previous years it will be led by the churches and it is hoped as many of you as possible can turn out and walk with our church banner. Meet in Gulfview Road, near Hungry Jacks end at about 5.30 pm for a 6.30 kick off.
Mark your diary please ...... St John's Exams 29/10-14/11
Also there is to be a BBQ lunch after service on 25th November to mark the end of the Church Year and the move into Advent. A list will go up in the foyer, announcing this and asking for contributions of salads and sweets—usual procedure. Plan to be part of this event!!! Please put your name on the list if you plan to attend the BBQ.
Packs of Fun Anglicare has a terrific new project some young people of our parish will be promoting over the next six weeks - 'Pack of Fun'. We will try to fill a couple of backpacks for refugee children settling with their families in South Australia. If you would like to contribute something or make a donation, just tick off an item from the sheet or make a donation to one of the Senior Sunday School young people.
RONBLOG on today’s Readings
One of the old axioms ( axia?) used to be that ‘politics and religion’ do not mix! However, little could be further from the truth. In fact, I suspect that axiom was an attempt to stifle any discussion of either matter, particularly in pubs – where an outcome may become frazzled. One of the major ‘drums’ that I have punched’ over the years has been to underline the extent to which the Judaic-Christian Faith says far more about what may be called political issues than it does about ‘religious’ ones. I would point anyone who questions this to read the Old Testament prophets, especially the early ones like Amos. They had no difficulty pointing to issues social and political as illustrations of how Israel had wandered from the faith path. Read the Old Testament and see there is no room in Judaism for the emergence of a rich elite or a poor underclass. Sadly much of the Torah did not seem to be adhered to, such as the jubilee business of returning sold fields and paddocks so that families could remain soundly based. However the main points of the Biblical faith have to do with matters of truth, justice, integrity and compassion. (When non-believers rant against religionists, they manage somehow to sidestep the realities and elevate the idiot fringe instead. That makes for far easier pickings apparently.)
It is only recently that the ugly and violent response from people of other faiths has underlined the disparity between some religions, though it has to be said that even those of such faiths have protested that such ugliness is not part of their religion. The only reason for mention of this is that one needs to be sure of each Faith’s realities as opposed to the views of any radical adherents. Sadly every Faith manages to produce some strange and sometimes dangerous and radical variations on their theme!
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