Friday, August 3, 2012


Sunday 5th August, 2012 TENTH SUNDAY OF PENTECOST WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Sunday School is back in action Collect Almighty God, Whose Son was revealed in majesty before He suffered death upon the cross: give us faith to perceive His glory, that being strengthened by His grace we may be changed into His likeness, from glory to glory; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Today’s Readings Tenth Sunday after Pentecost—Transfiguration Readings: Daniel 7:9-10 & 13 –14 and 2 Peter 1:16—19 GOSPEL Mark 9: 2—10 Those who follow my blogs may prefer to receive them by email.. If that is so, please email me to go on to a group to receive said notes. No charge of course. PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Vanessa D We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Lynda Knight, Dianne Cordes. Jim (fighting cancer;) Michelle and Jack,. Hazel Looney, Tommy Ferguson, Judith Manning, Bob Arnold, Genevieve Forster, Remain in support of Helen, Yuri and family in their very sad loss..Kathy Pennos is fighting cancer as is Danny Hodgson. Hilary Seith is also on our list., as is Stephen Daughtry’s Mum. HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Joy Campbell, Annabelle Williams, Graham Pater, Andrew Little. Esther Cheah missed out a mention last Sunday. But now we know! HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - YEAR’S MIND— Brian Fopp (2011), Doreen Wrightson (1999) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.45pm Evening Prayer with Wendy and Sue SINGING GROUP Meets after the 10am service each Sunday. All singers welcome MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm Walking Church First Saturday of each month at 4.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Jobs being carried out by parishioners We are attempting to compile a record of "who is doing what" in the parish. Some people have already responded and the results are in the 'Display Book' on the table in the foyer. This has the potential to be a very useful document as it will provide an excellent Parish Profile, telling people who they should contact over particular matters and avoiding duplication. Chances are that you are doing things for Holy Innocent's church. Please put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and let me know what you are doing. E-mail to or your written offering into an empty sleeve in the display book. Thanks for your co-operation David Hall - Warden Archbishop Driver will be here on 9th September, with the possibility of a Confirmation on the day. Warren asks if anyone wishes to reaffirm their baptism on that day to get in touch. Also Cheryl Wiseman takes her vows as a member of the Order of St. Barnabas and Cecelia at Melrose on that day. BCA The Parish has been busy working for BCA. BCA Boxes from Parishioners totalled $439.95. The Soup for Lunch event contributed $124 and the sale of Bilby Tubs contributed $75. (Additional tubs were purchased direct from Vivien Bleby.) This adds up to a grand total of $638.95. Many thanks go to everyone for this wonderful fundraising effort. Each Friday morning, coffee and tea will be served in the Parish Hall from 8.30am to 11.30am so please come along and bring a friend or neighbour for a relaxing chat among friends. Only $2.00 for your tea or coffee and biscuit. HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 State Governor acknowledges Don Caddy A very significant milestone was celebrated on 24th July to mark 27 years volunteering at the Cancer Care Centre by Don Caddy. A function was held to mark Don’s milestone. In October 1985 a group of medical professionals together with people with cancer and their carers met and shared a vision to develop a Wellbeing centre for South Australia. Don Caddy was one of this inaugural group. Dr Alistair Robertson and Mrs. Dorothy Linnett were also part of the vision group team that helped develop the Centre and it was great that they also joined Don in celebrating the occasion. POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Don Caddy or Cynthia Macintosh Sunday after Jill Hilbig or Barb Capon READER- AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader David C Intercessor Sue D-T Sunday after Reader Vanessa D Intercessor Ben L SANCTUARY ROSTER Next week Flowers Sue D-T Brass Joan Durdin Cleaning Group 3 Mark your diary please ...... (a) St John's Exams 29/10-14/11 The Bush Church Aid Society of Australia Annual Spring Lunch 14 September 2012 at 12:00pm at Holy Trinity, North Tce, Adelaide. Admission $15 each. Limited seating, bookings essential before 5 September 2012 to Helen or Vivien 8351 5950 RONBLOG on today’s First Lesson When one reads Daniel’s writings, I suspect that modern readers would wonder what in the name of fortune is going on! Sadly, our modern world seems either to be ignorant of Biblical issues or have decided the Book is irrelevant. Neither position is at all close to the reality. Scripture is not there to be ‘believed’ but the process of its arrival to the present is to be pondered, understood and acted upon where it fits. Daniel (almost certainly a pseudonym) was actually writing long after some of the reported events, but his approach was very much part of the Biblical process. Jewish people arrived at their understanding of God not by dogma or tenet, but by observing life and its experiences. This author was expressing huge concerns that Alexandrian Hellenism, the Greek invasion, (4th Century BC) had the potential to undermine, even destroy Hebrew culture and faith. This was a great fear held by very many contemporaries. However,, Daniel’s fascinating presentation is of the rise and fall of a series of empires and kingdoms, all seemingly invincible, lined up against his conviction that God’s Kingdom would outlast any mere human attempt at domination. This was a powerful conviction, based on past experience, that truth, justice, compassion and equity would see the end of any number of human control factors or kingdoms. It is almost death and resurrection before the focal event. This is a salutary response for Christian people of our own day and age, fearful that the Faith will disappear off the planet. God is not dead, nor is the Faith impotent! And nor does it demand unthinking, blind response of its adherents. We are called to nothing other than faithfulness, not to a creed or dogma, but to the conviction that truth may be suppressed, but it can never be killed. The same applies to love, compassion, and all the ancient verities. So whose side are you on? Really? Late News Information has just come to hand about the next Diocesan Youth Thrive event to be held at Concordia College, 45 Cheltenham St, Highgate from 7.30 to 9.30pm on Friday 17th August. All young people are welcome, and there is a charge of $5 for supper.

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