Friday, June 1, 2012


Sunday 3rd June, 2012 TRINITY SUNDAY WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome with another celebratory cake! Sunday School is back in action again ……... Collect for Trinity Sunday O blessed Trinity, in Whom we know the Maker of all things, seen and unseen, the Saviour of all, both near and far: by Your Spirit enable us so to worship Your divine majesty, that with all the company of heaven we may magnify Your glorious name, saying, Holy, holy, holy. Glory to you, O Lord most high. Amen. Today’s Readings - - TRINITY SUNDAY read by John F Readings Isaiah 6: 1—8 & Romans 8: 12—17 GOSPEL John 3: 1—17 Fr. Ron’s Notes available at PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE led by Max A We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Lynda Knight, Dianne Cordes. Ivanka Cosic, Jim (fighting cancer;) Michelle and Jack,. Hazel Looney, Tommy Ferguson, Judith Manning, Barb Capon, (home a week ago) little premature baby Hayley Haig , Genevieve Forster, and thanks for safe arrival of Oliver William Devlin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY - HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - YEAR’S MIND— John Carruthers (`009) PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Second of Pentecost Readings 1 Samuel 8: 1 …. And 2 Cor. 4:13—5:1 GOSPEL Mark 3: 20—35 REGULAR GROUPS AND BOOKINGS PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist 5.45pm Evening Prayer with Wendy and Sue SINGING GROUP Meets after the 10am service each Sunday. All singers welcome MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm Walking Church First Saturday of each month at 4.00pm at Belair National Park gates near railway station bridge. Each Friday morning, coffee and tea will be served in the Parish Hall from 8.30am to 11.30am so please come along and bring a friend or neighbour for a relaxing chat among friends. Only $2.00 for your tea or coffee and biscuit. A gentle reminder that the Parish Diary is available at the e-site mentioned at the base of the information box on page 4 of this newsletter. When you have got there, bookmark that page for easy access each time you need it. Reminder too, that the latest Parish Magazine is available in the foyer. And the Sunday School is buying 10 copies of the CEV Big Rescue Bibles, which should be available for inspection before long. Should anyone wish to support this project, the Bibles are $16.00 each ….. BEACON Thank you all for your generous support of Beacon (part of the work of our Interchurch Council). The retiring collection last Sunday, 27 May, totalled $328.20. A wonderful effort to assist those in our community in need of extra help during the winter months. HELPLINE Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Stephanie Lloyd 8278 4260 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814 The ABM - A Auxiliary, in Adelaide, has arranged for the annual 'MIDWINTER LUNCH' to be held in the hall at St George's Church, St Bernard's Road, Magill, on Friday 22 June beginning at 11.45 a.m. The guest speaker will be Bishop Ian George, talking about "Mad Moments in Ministry". This promises to be an entertaining event in support of ABM's missionary work. Joan Durdin has tickets at $12.00 per person. Transport can be provided if needed. POWERPOINT ROSTER – Next Sunday Joy Campbell or Craig Deane Sunday after Ron Keynes or Trevor Tregenza READER- AND INTERCESSOR ROSTER Next Sunday Reader Arndrae L Intercessor Ben L Sunday after Reader Hal S-C Intercessor Sue D-T SANCTUARY ROSTER Next week Flowers Audrey & Graham Bains Brass Rosemary Conlon Cleaning Susan Lee Mark your diary please ...... (a) St John's Exams 17-20 July and 29/10-14/11 RONBLOG Trinity .... Not as vague as you might think!!! Check out the readings for today Lots of people can relate to some life-changing experience for them where quite suddenly and often uninvited, light dawns on them. They may have been facing some crisis or challenge, or it may simply be that, like inspiration, it came unbidden totally. (Most inspiration seems just to burst in on the personal scene.) So, it seems, was that ‘thing’ with Isaiah. Up to that point in his life, he seems to have been so involved with the business of running the kingdom and the congregation, that he could see only himself and his responsibilities. It may well have seemed to have been his importance, his role that kept the wheels turning. And maybe it was a matter of having to face something well outside his parameters that brought this stunning vision to light. Whatever the situation, Isaiah was confronted by God, by JHWH, in a way that had never happened to him before. And the outcome was revolutionary, for without the book of Isaiah our perception of God would have been reduced considerably, at least until the Incarnation. Isaiah’s theology became enormously broad, all-embracing, and significant. When people have all manner of questions about the Faith, about God or about life, it is sad how often such folk retreat into an avoidance mechanism. Either the question, or the problem that provokes it, seems too hard to handle. So it tends to be put on the back burner, meanwhile worrying and disturbing the person. Worse, some people retreat entirely. There is a rather better way to tackle such questions .....One of the fascinating things about life and the Faith is that it can stand up to questions ..... and nothing can emerge to throw it. God never expects anyone to ‘believe’ without solid evidence for doing so. Such experiences as Isaiah’s didn’t happen for fun or by accident. More often than not, it is because the recipient has been struggling with some question or query, and the substantial (repeat substantial) answer comes, often quite out of the blue. To my mind, this mode of development is the genius of the Judaic-Christian Faith. It is experiential, almost hard-nosed in a way. Like science, one starts with a theory, then tests it in real life, and wears off the rough edges. And it is a continual process, so don’t expect to stay still for long. So may I suggest that today be the start of a long and fascinating search for answers to your questions? Do not be afraid!!! ST. BARNABAS’ PATRONAL FESTIVAL EVENSONG SERVICE ST PETER’S CATHEDRAL SUNDAY, 17 JUNE PREACHER: The Rev’d Dr Matthew Anstey 6:00PM Cheese and Wine - Cynthia Poulton Hall 7:00PM Evensong (robing from 6.40)Please let us know if you are coming. RSVP by 12 JUNE 2012 ( Now located at 1 Susan Street, Hindmarsh An offering will be collected for the work of the College Please join us for this celebration in the life of the College and hear about the proposal for the new site from the architects, Walter Brooke Note from the Recorder: Thank you for your support for the Planned-Giving Scheme. I need to ask a favour of you who have been attending the 8 am services. If you attended the 8 am service on 15th of April and left your envelope in the collection bowl, could you please do one of the following? Either put in the collection bowl, a slip of paper which states your ID number and the amount that you think you put in the envelope, referring to 8 am, 15th April collection, - write to the Recorder, or - e-mail to him, or - phone him. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Min ( The Recorder) (ph 7129 6758) Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon please …….

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