Sunday 1st April, 2012
Sixth Sunday in Lent
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. Breakfast is available in the Hall after the 8 am service and morning tea after the 10 am. All are welcome. Sunday School will be in recess during the School holidays ……
Collect for Lent VI
God of all, You gave Your only-begotten Son to take the form of a servant, and to be obedient even to death on a cross; give us the same mind that was in Christ Jesus, that, sharing in His humility, we may come to be with Him in His glory, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Readings Isaiah 50:4—9a and Philippians 2: 5—11
GOSPEL Mark 1: 1—39
Fr Ron’s Notes available at
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Lynda Knight, Dianne Cordes. Ivanka Cosic, Jim (fighting cancer;) Jake and Gail. Hazel Looney, Tommy Ferguson, Judith Manning, Valda Seith
Barb Capon and Sid Sweet
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Angus Bruce, Paul Hilbig
YEAR’S MIND— Jeannie Moffatt (2008), Audrey Windram (1999) Ronald Dickson (2010) William Spencer (1996)
PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY - Easter read by Paul H (8) and Max A (10)
Readings Acts 10: 34—43 and 1 Corinthians 15: 1—11
GOSPEK John 20: 1—18
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am Wednesdays at Pressley’s
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist
SINGING GROUP Meets after the 10am service each Sunday. All singers welcome
MOTHERS’ UNION - meets third Thursdays each month at 2.00pm
Flinders Medical Centre — Helpers
Easter Day 8th April is our day to visit the Flinders Medical Centre wards and take patients to the chapel service. We need your help. Please be at the chapel by 10am. Phone Jean Fordham for details. Phone no. 8278 2837. Other dates for 2012 Sunday 8th July Sunday 14th October Mark your diaries please.
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Iris Downes on 8278 3260 and Marlene Dixon on 8278 8568..
Next Sunday Don Caddy or Cynthia Macintosh
Sunday after Jill Hilbig or Barb Capon
Next Sunday Reader Neil T Intercessor Warren
Sunday after Reader Paul H & Max A Intercessor ********
Next week Flowers Sue D-T Brass Bonney Tomlinson
Cleaning Susan Lee
Bonney Tomlinson would be glad to hear from anyone who has spare plastic mugs, suitable for use for children and their Milo at morning tea after Church. She would be grateful for any contributions.
Mark your diary please ......
(a) Wedding May 5 Private function in Hall May 6
(b) St John's drama production in hall afternoon and evening of May 31 and June 1
(c) St John's Exams 17-20 July and 29/10-14/11
Lenten Envelopes for ABM: Many parishioners received 'gold envelopes' for their Lenten Offerings last Sunday. For those who missed out, gold envelopes are still available on the table in the foyer.
The Flea Market – 19th May YOU can help make this a successful event… is planned to keep the Flea Market / Jumble Sale to a manageable level with stalls mainly occupying the hall.
The key to the safe has been damaged and thus it was unable to be used to open or close the safe. One of the teeth on the key has been broken off. A replacement key has now been attached to the key ring. However, to prevent this happening in the future please ensure that the door is closed firmly with all items placed well back in the safe. Turn the handle to horizontal and then GENTLY turn the key to securely lock the safe. When unlocking the safe, the door requires a sharp tug to open. Please do not force the key in the lock. If you encounter any difficulty, please seek assistance. Many thanks again for your work as sidespeople and hopefully the above instructions will make your job easier.
Special Note: A strong capable father of two requires work to support his children—willing to do gardening, cleaning or anything. Phone Yvonne Myers on 8278 6297
RONBLOG …… on today’s Old Testament
One can almost feel the struggle in these words, of one fighting against both evil and the thought of surrendering to it! You may well know the difficulty of holding out against what you know to be false and evil, if you have been in a similar position yourself. But notice also the intense determination to remain true whatever contrary pressure is exerted.
These Servant Songs began life as the exploration by the prophet as to the reason, real reason for Israel’s existence in the face of the horror of the Exile into Babylon (587 BC). Sadly, from what I understand, the Jews never seem to have understood them so! As the exploration continued, so did the narrowing of the framework – it became obvious to Isaiah that only part of Israel, then a smaller committed part, until finally it devolved to a single person. We see that Person to be Jesus. Mind you, the whole importance still remains that the people of God are called to, even required to operate in ths same sort of way.
If you are game enough to see it, the People of God, of whatever age, are called to attest to a completely different way of operating in order that reconciliation can occur, life become more true and just, and that potential for people, life and history can unfold in the direction it was designed to move. If you find that to be an enormous scope, then take time to absorb it – this is quite some of what the Gospel is all about, and has always been on about.
Holy Week and Easter Services
TODAY , Palm Sunday, 8:00AM and 10:00AM , with a Palm Procession at 10:00AM.
April 5, Maundy Thursday, 7:30PM when we remember the Last Supper
April 6, Good Friday,
Stations of the Cross for Children at 9:30AM,
Traditional Good Friday Service at 10:45AM.
April 8 Easter
Lighting of the paschal candle and Eucharist, beginning at 6:00AM,
Traditional Eucharist 8:00AM
Contemporary Eucharist at 10:00AM.
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon
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