Friday, December 16, 2011


Sunday 18th December, 2011
Fourth Sunday in Advent
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. After the 8am service breakfast is served and morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. Sunday School will be in action at the 10am today.

Gracious God, Whose eternal Word took flesh among us when Mary placed her life at the service of Your will: prepare our hearts for His coming again and keep us steadfast in hope, that we may be ready for the coming of His kingdom; for His sake, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
TODAY’S READINGS Fourth Sunday in Advent read by Hal S-C
Readings 2 Samuel 7:1—112 & 16 and Romans 16:25—27
GOSPEL Luke 1: 26—38
Fr Ron’s Notes available at

We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, the Swaby family , Olive Marston, Kate Jennings, Blake Vause. Ivanka Cosic, Jim (fighting cancer;) Eddie Barber and Bryan Baker. Michelle, Jake and Gail also
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jennifer Jeffreys, Sascha Williams
YEAR’S MIND— Anna Kernot (1993). Robn Pinnock (10093) Alfred Mayne (2002) James Arnold (1976) John Furnival (2002)
50th Anniversary of Ordination as Deacon - Fr. Ron

Christmas Eve Isaiah 9:2-7 and Titus 2: 11—14 Luke 2: 1– 14
Christmas Day Isaiah 62: 6—12 & Titus 2: 4—5a Luke 2: 1—20
Readers: Christmas Eve Caroline S Christmas Day Neil T

PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY in recess
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist
SINGING GROUP Meets after the 10am service each Sunday. All singers welcome.
MOTHERS’ UNION programme in recess until next year

Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Iris Downes on 8278 3260 and Marlene Dixon on 8278 8568..

Today Joy Campbell or Craig Deane
Christmas Eve Barb Capon or Trevor Tregenza
Christmas Day Min Araki or Ron Keynes

Christmas Eve Reader Caroline Intercessor Max A
Christmas Day Reader Neil T Intercessor Hal S-c

Next week Flowers Anna Kelly
with a plea for Agapanthus and greenery please—leave in buckets in Germein Room
Brass Rosemary Conlon Cleaning Group 1

RONBLOG .... On today’s Old Testament Reading and Gospel
This passage from Samuel surely seems to be quite out of place in an Advent setting. On the other hand, it may be remarkably apposite, when one has time to ponder.
There is an almost inbuilt human thing to be associated with large and demonstrative buildings, and these days that tends to be almost phallic. So there was – almost certainly – that trait in David’s mind that he could be forever associated with a large and expansive Temple. His plan was stalled, and in the light of what follows, it may be a pity that it ever got off the deck. Notice the protestation from God! The Almighty – so to speak - was not only quite used to living in a tent, thanks very much, but saw no great need for a huge building. On the one hand, a tent was a constant pointer to the need to be moving, growing, pilgrimming. A large building would tend to point to an institution that was settled, static, unmoving. It has long struck me that, as long as Israel was on the move, there was growth; as soon as things were settled, all became static, inert, unmoving and unmoveable. There is a lesson there, is there not?

So, you now know the story, and what do you make of it? Let me take this approach further. One of the things that really does give me the willies is the way we love to emphasise the unimportant, and so miss what is significant.
The real business about the call to Mary is NOT, repeat NOT the story of the Virgin Birth, but the fact that, like David, dear young 15- or 16-year old Mary was a nonentity as far as status and importance was concerned, and so was far more likely to be genuine, faithful, and respond with her whole heart. Can you imagine the Premier of your State, the Prime Minister of your country or the President of any other being called to such a task as was Mary? Then stop and realize why NOT.
Then go on to see that this same Lord may well be calling insignificant you to a ministry, too.
Sunday School Advent Celebration
Our family service today will be followed by a BYO picnic in the Hawthorndene Reserve (look for picnic tables alongside cricket oval). Join us for lunch, games and a treasure hunt from 11.30am-2.30pm. Phone Clare 8270 6445 for more info.

Christmas Services: note change of time for Children's Service
Christmas Eve 6:30pm - A Family Christmas Eve Seasonal bedtime stories and a hot-dog dinner. The perfect way to prepare for Christmas Day.
11.00pm Midnight Mass
8.00am Traditional Communion
10.00am Contemporary Communion
Christmas Bowl Envelopes
Today you will find Christmas Bowl envelopes in Church. You are encouraged to take an envelope, fill it and put in with your offerings in the collection plate. Please do it now, you don't need to wait until Christmas Day!

The Choir Cantamus is presenting Handel's MESSIAH at Blackwood Uniting Church this afternoon at 2.30pm. Tickets are $20 (Adult), $15 (Concession), children under 12 free if with a paying adult. Profits to be donated to The Christmas Bowl.

Planned Giving Scheme in 2012
We started to hand out from December 4th, the ID (or Envelope) numbers and the envelopes with the numbers on them for the Planned-Giving Scheme in 2012. As in the past years, you would receive a whole set of envelopes if you pledge weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. If you pledge quarterly or annually (semi-annually), you would receive four or two envelopes, respectively. If you have not received the Pledge Form for 2012, but you wish to be in the Scheme, please obtain the Pledge Form from Cynthia Macintosh, and return the form enclosed in an ordinary envelope addressed to The Recorder, Holy Innocents Anglican Church, PO Box 156, Belair SA 5052, through the collection plate, or place in our letterbox, or by post.

Mitcham Hills Interchurch Council Appeal Due to the change in government funding arrangements School Chaplains as from the start of the next School Year, will be employed on casual employment terms. Due to the higher rate of pay and the fact the Interchurch Council needs to assist the School Ministry Group (SMG) with administration costs the Council needs your support. I ask in the next few weeks you consider placing an extra envelope in the collection plate with a donation addressed either as follows:
‘For Mitcham Hills Interchurch Council’ - this would go to fund all Council activities
‘For CPSWs School Chaplaincy’ - this would go to fund School Chaplaincy alone
‘For Beacon’ - This would go towards the Beacon emergency relief program freeing up Council funds so more can be given to School Chaplaincy

Holy innocents Calendar
If you would like to know what is coming up at Holy Innocents check out our calendar at the following link:

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