Friday, November 18, 2011


Sunday 20th November, 2011
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost—Christ the King

WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. After the 8am service breakfast is served and morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. Sunday School is not being held today!

God of power and love, Who raised your Son Jesus from death to life, resplendent in glory to rule over all creation: free the world to rejoice in His peace, to glory in His justice, and to live in His love. Unite the human race in Jesus Christ your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

;TODAY’S READINGS SUNDAY Christ the King—Sunday next before Advent
Readings Ezek. 34:11=16 & 20-24 and Ephesians 1: 15—23
GOSPEL Matthew 25:31—46
Fr Ron’s Notes available at

We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, Aileen Shepherd, Olive Marston, , Kate Jennings., and Blake Vause. Also Ivanka Cosic, Jim and Geoff (fighting cancer) and Eddie Barber.
Remember also Arndrae Luks and the family on the passing of Arndrae’s Mum.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Pip Bruce, Pat Pater, Sue Daw-Thomas
YEAR’S MIND— Jane Matthews (1996), Audrey Crouch (2002)

Readings Isaiah 64: 1—9 & 1 Corinthians 1: - 9
GOSPEL Mark 13: 24—37

YOUR ATTENTION IS DRAWN to the Mission Action Plan Meeting to be held after Church at 11.30am on Sunday 4th December. This is to help set goals for the year or so ahead. All welcome to contribute ideas.

PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North

BIBLE STUDY 10am at Pressley’s

THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist
SINGING GROUP Meets after the 10am service each Sunday. All singers welcome.
MOTHERS’ UNION programme in recess until next year
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, and other types of assistance. Call Iris Downes on 8278 3260 and Marlene Dixon on 8278 8568..

Today whoever is available
Next Sunday Ron Keynes or Barb Capon

Next Sunday Reader John F Intercessor Sue D_T
Sunday after Reader Paul H Intercessor Ben L

Next week Flowers Jan Tregenza Brass Margaret Carruthers
Cleaning Susan Lee
RONBLOG .... On today’s Readings—

If you were ever asked to give a resume of the Faith to someone who has no real idea of it, what would you point to? Jesus Who died for you and everyone else? If ever you do that, you have almost certainly removed Jesus of the Scriptures right away from reality and into some sort of religious morass. I kid you not! Stop and see how significant is Jesus’ emphasis on the ‘kingdom.’ And notice the dramatic changes from what could be expected....

What is the goal, point and purpose of the entire Biblical Faith? Heaven? No ....... the right here and now. Start again if you will, at the opening chapters of Genesis, and see that what is being presented to you is a world view of singular and present significance. It is the proposition (not a good word for this at all really!) that this Faith that is explored over centuries is designed to offer a direction and means whereby human history can be changed from not complete disaster but almost, into something much closer to life as it was designed to be. From Genesis 3, with its expose of much of the cause of human ills, it is a statement that life was not meant to be like this, but was designed to be far more complete, open and valuable, with far less in the way of stuff-up.

That Old Testament Lesson illustrates part of the problem. Leadership, whether we take the picture from Ezekiel’s time or from our own, is marred by the same selfish, human power-exercise. If I am boss, you are my slave to do exactly what I tell you. I know what’s best, so get used to it. People from politicians to colleagues do it, and life becomes shattered. Power. Control. Sexual abuse, financial control. Look wherever you like and there it is staring you in the face, and demanding your attention or at most your obedience. What is becoming quite intolerable is the expectation and pressure from governments in this country to give them the freedom to do whatever they want. That is one short step left to tyranny. I remember someone writing, towards the end of the last century, that the 21st is likely to be the century of the tyrant.

There is a St, John's Grammar School Concert to be held in the Church on 25th November. The School will need access to the Church all that day—and evening.

Your attention is drawn to the notices from the Mitcham Hills Inter-Church Council re the Focus Day event on 20th November and the Pantry Christmas Hampers programme. Too much detail for here, but check the notice board please.

Warren offers the 11.45am timeslot after service each Sunday for people to raise issues from sermons. Fifteen minutes should not make a great deal of change to plans on a Sunday.

Here follows a short list of the forthcoming events, for your information ….
Nov 26, 10am Stephen's ordination at the Cathedral
Sunday, Nov 27 baptism at 10am, followed by parish BBQ to celebrate Stephen's ordination
Sunday, Dec 4 vestry meeting 11:30am
Sunday Dec 4, Confirmation 7pm at the church
Sunday, Dec 11 baptism at 10am
And there is still the Sunday School Presentation and Picnic as well as the Christmas Craft event also precise details yet to be set.

If you are disappointed at the small number of folk present this morning, please stop and realize that this is the weekend of the Parish Camp. Lots of people are at Normanville and sharing in an outdoor service .....

Home Maker Kits
The Senior Sunday School would like to thank everyne for their kind donations. We put together 3 Home Maker Kits for the Anglicare Refugee Appeal. Great job!

Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon please …….

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