Sunday 10th July 2011 - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. After the 8am service breakfast is served and morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. There is no Sunday School during School holidays
Collect for Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Bountiful God, we thank You for planting in us the seed of Your word; by Your Holy Spirit help us to receive it with joy and live according to it, that we may grow in faith, hope and love, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever Amen
Readings Gen 25: 19—34 and Romans 8: 1—11 read by Vanessa D
GOSPEL Matthew 13: 1—9 & 18—23
Fr Ron’s Notes available at
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Chris Contro, Yvonne Myers, Phyllis Morecroft, Joy Campbell, Jenny Jeffrey, Dorothy Furnival, and others known to us,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Valerie Taylor, Margaret Baker, Yena Kim, Caroline Sweet, Sue Parham and Carol Barber —- and Audrey Baynes, a week late, with apologies
YEAR’S MIND—John Clark (1995) Jean-Jacques Tibuzzio (1991) Peter Phillips (2010)
PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Readings Genesis 28: 10—19 and Romans 8: 12—25
GOSPEL Matthew 13: 24—30 & 36—43
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY in brief recess
THURSDAY No 9.30am Eucharist for three weeks
HOME GROUP At Wendy and Andrew Morecroft’s home, every 2nd and 4th Thursday evening at 7.30pm. Call Wendy for details on 0417 806 943
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Barb Capon 8278 3584 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814.
Holy Innocents’ Patronal Festival is to be held on 7th August—and this is a note to be prepared for it. Sunday School plans to have some artwork on display. Families of young people will be illustrating the old stories of Biblical innocents—and others of you may care to hang work alongside. There is some story of a festival of food on that day. More details later.
ANOTHER REMINDER PARISH CAMP Friday 18th—Sunday 20th November
Normanville Jetty Caravan Park—8 cabins and 8 sites have been pre-booked by Wendy – please contact her on 0417 806 943 or regarding a booking. Also. Saturday night dinner 6pm in the Normanville Beach Cafe (next to jetty) $20/adult $10/child with fun and games in the Surf Life Saving club afterwards. Sunday service on the beach at 11am (a bit later than usual to allow time for day trippers to arrive). For information, powered site $27.00 unpowered site $21.50 En-suite site $33.00 Deluxe Cabins with en-suite (sleeps up to 5) $88.00 Executive Cabins with en-suite (2 bedroom) $102.00 (includes linen on main bed) Extra persons over the age of 5 $9.00 Bunk House no en-suite $55.00 for 4 people
RON-BLOG from today’s Gospel
When we come to the Gospel, the emphasis that is showing in the earlier readings becomes rather more focussed, does it not. Our Lord was no fool at finding ways to get His message across, and parables seemed to be one of His favourites. (Miracles are acted parables rather than anything dramatic and exciting, do you realize?)
One of the fascinating things about parables is that a somewhat straightforward story is related, and it is not until the end has been reached that the explosive business begins. I have often said to folk that Jesus’ parables are rather like hand grenades tossed into your lap. OK to begin, but then they blow up and present you with all sorts of difficult challenges.
This Parable of the Sower ought rather to be titled ‘Parable of the Soils,’ for that is the issue, let’s face it. The real question has to do with the willingness of the recipient to deal with what has been handed out to them. And there is no difficulty finding in oneself the hesitance to be the good soil. All sorts of other, lesser choices seem preferable to following Jesus. It just might lead us into some sort of ‘neck sticking out’ situation, and who is ready for that?
Today Ron Keynes or Barb Capon
Next Sunday Don Caddy or Cynthia Macintosh
Next Sunday Reader Eric D Intercessor Ben L
Sunday after Reader Iris D Intercessor Wendy M
Next week Flowers Iris D Brass Margaret Carruthers
Cleaning Susan Lee
GOODS FOR THE MAGDELENE CENTRE URGENT ….. Please check out your cupboards for surplus blankets, doonas, sleeping bags and rugs in good condition which can be given to Mary Magdalene's for homeless people. We are happy to collect them or bring them to the Church in the next couple of weeks. Allan and Kate call 8370 3166 Thank you.
Chaplain Clare and students at St. John’s Junior School invite parishioners to the School Assembly in the Gillian Clampett Hall on Tuesday 9th August at 9.00am celebrating the 20th birthday of the School. Guest speakers and a cake will follow. On Wednesday 10th August, 1.45pm a short service in the Chapel will be followed by Chapel tours and oral history sessions conducted by Year 4 students (where your assistance as interviewee may be required, please!) Please RSVP by email or phone on 8270 6445 or
The "Back to School" Quiz Night was a fun night with some serious homework and tests being undertaken. 75 students attended with only 26 being parishioners at Holy Innocents and so a great effort was made by the Luks family, Forsters, Tregenzas, Warren & Thea, Thomases, Steve & Angus,and the Jennings (including Alan's 98 year old mother Annie) to invite their friends and families. "Mrs Tregenza" provided PE lessons including paper jet competition and her friend supervised hotly contested charades. Best dressed prizes were awarded to John Forster and Sue Jennings who even brought her original school bag and lacrosse stick. Headmaster Andrew Morecroft kept the rabble in good order and the questions humming along while "Miss Morecroft" and Mary Vandepeer tallied the scores. "Mr Tregenza" even gave a quick maths lesson. Warren & Thea's table "Save by Grace", "Amazing Grace", "Living Grace" or whatever they called themselves, were the clear winners taking home 6 bottles of shiraz and a box of chocolates. $707 was raised to help the deficit and thanks to Greg and the students for getting the hall back to "8am Sunday" standard before the night was over. Wendy Morecroft
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon please …….
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