Sunday 8th May, 2011 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER
Our Celebrant today is Warren Huffa
And preacher is Stephen Daughtry
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. After the 8am service breakfast is served and morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. Sunday School is back in action
Collect for Third Sunday of Easter
Gracious Father, Who in Your great mercy made glad the disciples with the sight of the risen Lord; give us such awareness of His presence with us that we may be strengthened and sustained by His risen life, and serve You continually in righteousness and truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Readings Acts 2: 14a & 36-41 1 Peter 1: 13—25 read by Jane Sil l
GOSPEL Luke 24: 13—35
(Intercessors, please be aware that you are able to change the power point presentation to fit your intercessions but you need to liaise with Fr Ron on the Tuesday beforehand. For example you may want a particular image screened during the intercessions and/or to change the ending prayer.)
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Chris Contro, Yvonne Myers, Jenny Jeffrey, Sid Sweet, Dorothy Furnival, Valda Seith, and others known to us.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Olive Marston, Joan Durdin
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Jocelyn and Craig Deane, Jill and Paul Hilbig, Neil and Sue (Daw) Thomas
YEAR’S MIND—Lorna Mengler (1995}
Readings Acts 2: 42—47 and 1 Peter 2: 1– 10
GOSPEL John 10: 1– 10
Fr Ron’s Notes available at
Yvonne Caddy reports on the ABM giving in Lent and up to the present …
Donations received during Lent per the weekly collections $230.00
Donations received at Easter $823.50
Total Lent $1053.50
Pancake Evening $110.00
Question Time 28 March $67.15
Total $1230.65
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandal Valley
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist
HALL BOOKINGS: Sunday 15th May 1—5pm St. John’s use of Hall
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Barb Capon 8278 3584 and Lucinda Hale 8278 8814.
There is to be a special Vestry Meeting on 29th May at 9.30am—David Hall has been nominated (and accepted the nomination ) as Warden and that needs a vote from Vestry. Please note date and time—between services means both congregations can be present ...
Magdalene Centre invites you to a screening of Water for Elephants to be held at the Capri Cinema, Goodwood, on Sunday 22nd May from 2.00pm for complimentary drinks and sandwiches (Film at 3 pm) Entry is $20.00 per person
This Year the SA UNIT OF Australian Church Women is supporting the McGuire Foundation , an international programme run by recovering/recovered stutterers. Holy Innocents’ is the Host Church in this event. Thursday 19th at 1.30pn—all are welcome.
RON-BLOG from today’s readings - all of them
The outcome of Peter’s address, that repeat confession of sins and their forgiveness, is worth attention. Here is no search for internal sins, so to speak, but read the fine print and see this all needs to be seen in terms of Peter’s command. ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.’ That generation, not unlike our own, was one where justice, truth and integrity were covered over by absolute aversion to those qualities. When we talk of spin in government, for instance, we acknowledge the extent to which truth is being discarded. So Peter’s challenge was for those people to move away from such falsehood – and what a difference to life that would have made…..
Even the Psalmist, long centuries before Peter, was aware of the relief and ‘breath of fresh air’ that emerges when the ancient verities are responded to. I am amazed constantly, at the extent to which the Faith is rejected, usually on the most spurious of grounds. It is not as if the Faith is silly or shallow! The outcome of following Christ is enormously beneficial even to people around about!
Then the Epistle - I have a sneaky suspicion that when Scripture talks about ‘being holy as Your Heavenly Father is holy,’ that readers think either, that this is an impossible dream, or that they are expected to be so like God that they are out of this world. The word ‘holy’ seems to have all manner of implications for us. Actually a basic root meaning ‘different,’ (among other things) different from ordinary natural human ways of operatinf and relating. .
I make reference elsewhere quite often to the difference between Adam-like behaviour and Christlike. That difference is really between the self-obsessive, and self-giving. It is a matter of direction and emphasis. I can never be holy in terms of being pure and sinless; nor does God expect that of me (or if He does He is out of luck!) . But I can operate selflessly and in that respect, Christlike. Does that make some sense?
For me, the saddest thing about this Gospel passage is the cover-up attempt on the part of the authorities to avoid the realities of the resurrection. Whenever I cover up the truth with a lie, I have precluded myself from any real response to whatever has happened. And I try to blind you as well. I might protect myself for a little while, but apart from anything else, liars need to have excellent memories – which is rarely the case. And even that will not rescue you from corners into which you paint yourself.
Today Min Araki or Cynthia Macintosh
Next Sunday Barb Capon or Joy Campbell
Next Sunday Reader Caroline S Intercessor Max A
Sunday after Reader Neil T Intercessor Ben L
Next week Flowers The Baines Brass The Sweets
Cleaning Group 4
Sunday 29 May 2011 2.30pm St Peter’s Cathedral A concert featuring the stirring sounds and rhythms of the City International Gospel Choir, Blessed Brothers and the Adelaide Benefit Concert Choir Compere – Ewart Shaw – Adelaide University Radio
The Church in Society Ministry Unit will be hosting an informal gathering to hear from and share with women in ministry, lay and ordained, on Saturday 25 June from 10.30am – 12.30pm. Everyone is invited to come along and spend some time with women who have ministries in the church – whether with children, in administration, in leading liturgy, in pastoral care, or the regular tasks of ensuring our churches are clean, tidy and decorated for worship. From 11-11.30 we will hear from two women about their ministries and the things that give them life. There will be an opportunity to communicate if there are any problems which need to be addressed. There will be good food, tea and coffee, as well as good company. Drop in for as short or as long a time as you wish. Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm Saturday 25 June Venue: Cynthia Poulton Hall, St Peter’s Cathedral, 27 King William Road, North Adelaide. (Parking available in the Cathedral car park and on Pennington Terrace)
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday afternoon please …….
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