Saturday, February 26, 2011


Sunday 27th February, 2011 - Epiphany VIII
Our Celebrant and preacher at 8am today is Warren Huffa
Fr. Ron will preach at 10.00am
WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. We invite you to join us for breakfast after the 8am service, or morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls. Sunday School continues at the 10 am service

Almighty God, renew us through the gift of Your Spirit, that we may always think and do what is righteous in Your sight, that we, who can do nothing good without You, may live according to Your holy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Picture deleted due to lack of space this week. Apologies to all.
News has just come to hand that Audrey Rayner, wife of Bishop Rayner, passed away on Monday, Our deep sympathy goes to =Keith in his sad time.

TODAY’S READINGS Isaiah 49: 8—16a and 1 Cor. 3:18—4:5 read by Arakis
GOSPEL Matthew 6:22—34
We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Chris Contro, and Yvonne Myers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Raquel WILLIAMS, Eddie Barber, Stuart Vandepeer, Andrew Morecroft
YEAR’S MIND—Laurie Castanelli (2006) Marjorie Dickson (2010)

Readings Exodus 24:12—8 and 2 Peter 1:16—21
Gospel Matthew 17: 1—19
Fr Ron’s Notes available at
Today Araki family or Don Caddy
Next Sunday Barb Capon ir Jill Hillbig
Next Sunday Reader Clare B Intercessor Wendy M
Sunday after Reader David C Intercessor Sue D-T
Next week Flowers Anna Kelly Brass Barbara Capon
Cleaning Group 4
PRAYER CIRCLE—starts again soon
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandal Valley
THURSDAY 9.30am Eucharist
Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Marlene Dixon on 8278 8568 or Iris Downes on 8278 3260
Pancake Party on Shrove Tuesday—8th March so please enter your name on the list in the foyer and indicate which filling for pancakes you will bring
Passover Meal on 21st April, Maundy Thursday, depending on number of participants. A list ifor this s also in the Porch

QUESTION TIME After a suitable break in transmission it’s time for the return of Question Time. We’re back – and we’re still one of the most interesting nights out to be had for people who enjoy the chance to think, talk and wrestle – with the question that is. Yet again we’ll be offering great speakers, fine wine and nibbles - and live music. It’s church, Jim, but not as we know it.
So, I’d like to invite you to join us this Sunday night (Feb 27th at 7:30pm) for a discussion that has been haunting the institutional church for decades. Why don’t young people want to come to church? We have two speakers who have extensive experience and daily contact with young people working through their spirituality.

At our Church Vestry Meeting last Sunday it was unanimously agreed that we proceed with the installation of the new bi-fold doors connecting the church foyer to the hall as per the plans advertised. The most convenient “window of opportunity” to do the job would be during the mid year school break, this being from Friday July 1st through to Monday July 25th.

Outdoor lighting: The two floodlights on the east side of a tree in the Memorial Garden require attention as over the years the tree has lengthened but the conduit hasn't. We need to dismantle the assembly to repair exposed conductors above and below ground. .The lights were intended to put light into the east end of the car park. They are too low and too far away to do much good. It is proposed to reinstall the lights on the west side of the tree, one flood shining on the lawn area the other shining on the wall plaques.

From the Ron Blog—from today’s Gospel
The Sermon on the Mount presents enormous challenges to people of the present day, who - in our culture at least – seem to be wedded to the idea that one has to sell oneself if one intends to get ahead. Much of the time that means standing on the shoulders of other to get the advantage, whether that is in wealth, status or power. Sadly, I find that even some clergy are influenced by such attitudes, which renders their value to the Gospel as rather less than it should be.
No one can serve two masters; schizophrenia is not an option for a balanced life nor a Christian one. (I am not referring to the disease that used to be called by that name, but the split of loyalties that divides a person into two – or more.)
One wonders why this pursuit of wealth continues to have its attraction. Recent ‘schizophrenic’ world markets should underline the uncertainties of that factor. Yesterday (7.06.10) saw reports of $57 billion off the value of Australian investments, which only goes to show how volatile things are really.
If there is one thing that is being stated absolutely in this rather remarkable passage, it is that there is not a lot that is solid and substantial in life. And that IS reality. It is not a case of God being unfair; it is a matter of observable reality, and human refusal of responsibility. Even the enormous advances that have brought us to this 21st Century have not provided any guarantee over that. So we had better get used to it, eh?

And then there is
The Annual Vestry Meeting will be held on 27th March after Church—people providing reports need to have them at least two weeks before that date
With Lent approaching, the ABM Appeal is coming into attention please. March 13 is set as ABM Sunday with envelopes available. Palm Sunday (April 17) will see the distribution of Palm Crosses (is anyone available again to make these for our Church?) and Easter Day will see the return of those ABM envelopes.
For further info or offers of help please contact Joan Durdin (8178 0704)
St. Barnabas’ Commencement Service is to be held at 5.30pm tomorrow at the College, 34 Lipsett Terrace, Brooklyn Park. Light refreshments available after the service, then the Commencement Lecture, by Assoc. Prof. David Nevliie, at 7.30pm—The Gospel of Matthew, Treasures new and old. RSVP to Melanie Morris by 23rd Feb, on

Earth Hour 2011 begins at 8.30pm on 26th March. Many people turn off their lights for an hour to demonstrate their support for climate change and sustainability action. You can sign up on the website and obtain tools tips and fun ways to celebrate. ‘Together we can make a difference.’
Safer Ministry Education
The Diocesan review of Safer Ministry Education is streamlining the programme,. the current programme suspended for the first half of 2011. That will involve a considerable reduction in time for participants and the reduction of the three Tiers to two. The mandatory aspect of Safer Ministry Education namely "Child Safe Environments - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect" will be continued and anyone whose qualifications are more than 3 years old may enrol for one of the two courses being offered on Thursday 3 March or Saturday 4 June from 9.30 - 5.00 - contact Ms Melanie Morris on 84168440 or
David Hall (Parish Safer Ministry Coordinator)

Do not forget THE TREASURE MART to be held on 26th March— 9am-1pm Please call Wendy 0417 806 943 and encourage her with donations of your time and/or goods. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to boost the coffers. and a special note from Clare: Clare, Angus and children Bruce request that you start transplanting/propagating and dividing in preparation for the mega plant stall at our Parish Treasure Mart insert DATE, and bring your offerings on the day or the day before.

Solar Power at the Church & Rectory
The solar panels are now installed at both the church and the rectory but we are awaiting the two way meters to be installed. This is scheduled for 21 March and thus enable any excess power fed to the grid to be paid to us at 44c per unit. . Many thanks to Don Caddy for his assistance with the process

The Parish Weekend in Normanville was set for 29-30th October but the park has been booked by others. . We are advised to wait for the date to be reset in concrete before anyone books. More news soon..
Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday late afternoon please

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