Saturday, January 8, 2011


Our Celebrant and preacher at 8 am is Michael Whiting
and at 10 am is Matthew Anstey

WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. We invite you to join us for breakfast after the 8am service, or morning tea after the 10am service. At 10 am everything in the service will be screened on the walls
Eternal God, at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan you pro-claimed him your beloved Son, and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: grant that all who are baptized into his name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Saviour; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting Amen

TODAY’S READINGS Isaiah 42: 1—9 and Acts 10: 34—43 read by Hal S-C
Gospel Matthew 3: 13—17

We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Peter Little, the Swaby family, Eddie Barber and Chris Contro
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Nick Laycock, Anthony Kelly and Tom Araki
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY – Anthony and Alysia Kelly (2006)
YEAR’S MIND—Valerie Hall (2009) George Forward (1009) George McAuliffe (1990)

Isaiah 49: 1—7 and 1 Corinthians 1: 1—9
Gospel John 1: 29—42
Fr Ron’s Notes available at

Today Don Caddy or Jill Hilbig
Next Sunday Cynthia Macintosh or Ron Keynes

Next Sunday Reader Jane S Intercessor Sue D-T
Sunday after Reader Caroline S Intercessor Hal S-C

Next week Flowers Anna Kelly Brass Joan Durdin Cleaning Sue Kelly

PRAYER CIRCLE and BIBLE STUDY in recess until February 2010
THURSDAY All events on Thursdays in recess till further notice

Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Marlene Dixon on 8278 8568 or Iris Downes on 8278 3260

Robyn Keynes thanks all who have collected bottles, cans and cartons - we have raised over $100 for our Children’s Ministry. Great work!

Yvonne thanks all who participated in the Anglicare Raffle: $207 was raised and the winner was Anne Roller. Thanks again.

From the Ron Blog—Epiphany II Baptism of our Lord
I must be getting quite old, for I can remember times when, in look-ing for a job, one did not need Curriculum Vitae, nor anyone else to write your CV for you. You may have needed a reference or two, but that is no longer sufficient.
As we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus, we are given all of the above modern requirements, if we have but the wit to see it, in that powerful pas-sage from Isaiah. Perhaps any of the Servant Songs of Isaiah may have suited, but I suspect that Isaiah 42 is one of the best to be used. A long hard look at this passage (as well as the others, come to that) will repay any at-tention given to the question.
Over the centuries, and particularly in our own time, all manner of distortions of the nature of Jesus’ ministry has been proffered as the true one. Anyone who has read these notes over the years will recall my huge difficulty with the capacity of American Presidents—in particular—to proffer a very war-like image of the Faith if not of Jesus Himself. Had I been God at the time, my very human patience would have been tested in not sorting the so-and-sos out on the spot. This only shows, of course, that it is just as well that God is God and I am not! There is no sign of belligerence in the Biblical evidence of Jesus and His life, nor even the expectation in that most re-markable of prophets.
The outcome and the reality that was Jesus is fascinating to ponder – and to reflect. All that is offered in this Faith once delivered is no picture of military or political superiority, but rather is a prescription for reconciliation, peace and justice. This Faith will ever run contrary to human expectations of power and strength, for the simple reason that most of those human de-mands can result only in division, isolation and – in the final analysis, terror. One need look only at the realities of human history to see the veracity of that!
So instead of a long and involved notes here, may I suggest that some quiet time be used to ponder the reality of the calling of this Jesus, and all of His followers, if only to rid ourselves of some useless baggage we carry that has little or nothing to do with the ‘faith once delivered.’.
Iris Downes asks if anyone has seen a dark green dish with fluted edging , about 12” round, last seen at the Church Barbeque in November. She would love to hear from anyone who might know where it is.

Are you interested?
Ron Keynes has been wondering about starting a Bible Study Group (at Seacliff Park possibly), asking if there are people interested in such a pro-ject. Some folk answered positively last Sunday, and we may move quietly from there. Both day, time and place are open for discussion.

Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or by Tuesday late afternoon please

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