Friday, December 10, 2010


SUNDAY 12th December, 2010
Third Sunday of Advent
Our Celebrant today is Warren Huffa and preacher Stephen Daughtry
Welcome to Baptismal candidates and families.
Children will be involved in today’s 10am service

WELCOME to Holy Innocents—we hope you enjoy this time of prayer as we reflect on Scripture together and celebrate the Eucharist. We invite you to join us for breakfast after the 8am service, or morning tea after the 10am service. Children joining us today may join in the Sunday School at the 10am service - which meets during School term times. Today is the last Sunday School till First Term 2011

Almighty God, You have made us and all things to serve You; come quickly to save us so that wars and violence shall end and Your children may live in peace, honouring one another with justice and love; through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord. Amen

From the Ron Blog—Gospel for today

It was only a year or so ago that I was ‘bouncing off’ the second readings in Church, where those readings were from John’s Revelation. I wondered out loud at the time as to whether people were scared of John’s writings, or perhaps just confused. Nods generally indicated the perception that Revelation was not on the ‘often read’ list for just those reasons. Having spent quite some time over the years expounding this book to groups in parishes, I asked them to see something of what I underline to you now. The Old Testament prophets were emphasizing the same or similar issues; and Daniel may possibly be one of the first to use this strange style of apocalyptic writing. Daniel’s huge concern – in his time in Jewish history - was that Israel and its culture and faith would be over-run by Hellenistic ideas, fearful that Judaism would be blunted and defeated.

So back to present-day realities. Advent is the annual reminder that the task of the modern Christian is to be aware of the faith — and of the philosophical differences between Christianity and the culture in which you live. It also emphasizes the need for the People of God to remain true to the Faith once delivered, perhaps even at the cost of their own lives. Failure to be aware of such issues is one of the horrors that permitted the rise of Nazism, amongst others.

One final word: ‘save us from the time of trial’ is a phrase in the (said to be new) Lord’s Prayer, against which some folk still have reservations. This is, in fact, an accurate translation of the original Greek – and for good reason. It is precisely this situation of needing to stand firm against contrary pressure in times of crisis that makes this phrase so relevant. Please never forget that.

Isaiah 35: 1—10 and James 5: 7—10 (not read at 10am)
GOSPEL Matthew 11: 2—11 (read by children at 10am)

We pray for those in need: Ron Teague, Phyllis Morecroft, Barbara Radbone Peter Little, the Swaby family and Eddie Baker—and for the future of Blackwood & District Community Hospital which is in great jeopardy. .
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY – Pat and Graham Pater, Danny and Christie Hodgson and Natasha and Paul Campbell
YEAR’S MIND Christopher Dolan (2000) Hazel Ashworth (1992)

Readings Isaiah 7: 10—16 and Romans 1: 1—7
GOSPEL Matthew 1: 18—25
Refer Fr Ron’s Notes available at

This Week Araki Family or Don Caddy
Next Week Barb Capon or Jill Hilbig

Next Sunday Reader Marg P Intercessor Ben L
Christmas Reader Paul H Intercessor Don B
Sunday after Reader Arndrae L Intercessor Warren

Next week Flowers Marilyn Little Brass Caroline and Sid Sweet
Cleaning Susan Lee

PRAYER CIRCLE and BIBLE STUDY in recess until February 2010
THURSDAY 9.30am Traditional Communion
7.00pm Meditation & Discussion to follow

Today is a special day as the service will also honour the children in the Sunday School. After Church there is a picnic for the children at Apex Park - and all are invited to be there: simply let Robyn Keynes (8298 7160) or Liz Anstey know. (7127 8724)
Marriage Saturday 18th December at 4 pm is the day for Sarah Morecroft and Chris Raymond to be married, and we wish them all the best for their future. All parishioners are welcome at the service

Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Christie Hodgson on 8370 3260 or Caroline Sweet on 8278 3058

Joyce Arnold wishes to thank all who have helped with the Anglicare Toy Appeal—and also to announce her retirement from promoting this programme. On the other hand we wish to thank Joyce for all her effort over many years.

Christmas Flowers for Church
Anna (82787024) asks if anyone has flowers available to decorate the Church for Christmas. Agapanthus, asparagus fern, jasmine etc., would be lovely. Please leave in the Germein Room in buckets (under the sink) either on Thursday or Friday before Christmas. There is a suggestion that people may like to provide flowers on occasion to commemorate a family member on a particular date. Kindly contact Anna if this sounds good to you.

SUNSET SWING All expenses have now been paid and the event made a profit of $706.49. A Spreadsheet with the financial detail of the event is on the notice board in the hall. It was a wonderful effort and a most enjoyable evening. Congratulations and our thanks to everyone involved especially Danny and Samantha and the Danny Hodgson Trio. (See Christy if you wish to purchase their CD - Misty - an ideal Christmas present!) Yvonne
Sunday 19th December. The annual Quire St. Nicolas Service of Lessons and Carols at St. Peter's Cathedral at 3pm. titled 'Venite Adoramus' (O Come let us Adore Him). See notice in the foyer for more details. All are welcome.
Also at the Cathedral at 4.30pm today is the launching of Marion McCall’s cat’s book—and anyone knowing Marion can expect an interesting time there.

Vanessa Daughtry will be collecting simple games, puzzles and books etc. for refugee children from Bellevue Heights New Arrivals Programme. The children seem to love school which provides them with a safe learning environment, friends and fun. When at home there is little to do but watch TV; parents have few resources, and are often traumatized by their experiences. Our contributions will give the children something to do over the long school break. Thank you for the generous response. As some of you are aware, the local Messenger ran an article about government cuts to the bus services that bring the children to school from a wide catchment. Without this service many kids attendance, and consequently their future education would be affected. Worse than the bus situation is the proposed cut to TRIF (targeted refugee intervention funding). This has been a State govt. initiative but will possibly not continue after the end of 2012

Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or or 8298 7160 by Tuesday late afternoon please

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