Saturday, August 21, 2010


SUNDAY 22nd August, 2010
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Our Celebrant today is Fr. Warren Huffa and Guest Preacher is
Archdeacon Paul Mitchell
Welcome to Xavier and Lucy, being baptized at the 10 am Service

Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or for morning tea after the 10am service.
At 10am you will find all the service and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls.
There is Sunday School at the 10 am service during School term times.

Creator God, You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in You; teach us to offer ourselves to Your service, that here we may have peace, and in the world to come, may see You face to face, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

TODAY’S Readings Jeremiah 1: 4 – 10 and Hebrews 12: 18 – 29 read by Paul H
Gospel Luke 13: 10 - 17

We pray for those in need: Warren and Thea, Ron Teague, Michael Boere.,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Wayne Parham. Margaret Carruthers and Eric Downes
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY – Wayne and Sue Parham and Eddie and Chris Barber
YEAR’S MIND: Win Lamden (!992) Thyra Chester (1996), Rosemary Mayne (2005) and Donald Cameron (2002)

PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY – Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Readings: Jeremiah 2: 4 – 13 & Hebrews 13: 1 – 8 & 15 -16
GOSPEL Luke 14: 7 - 14
Refer Fr Ron’s Notes available at

This Week Barb Capon or Luke Vanderpeer
Next Week Craig Deane or Don Caddy

PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month at 36 Penno Parade North
THURSDAY Morning Eucharist 9.30am and evening Meditation at 7 pm and discussion at 7.30pm
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday at 378 Main Road Coromandel Valley

Part of being a Christian community is the support offered to each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food where needed, local transport, phone calls, visits and other types of assistance. Call Christie Hodgson on 8370 3260 or Caroline Sweet on 8278 3058

Our Anglican Toy Appeal will be held as usual in November, See ‘Joyce Arnold for details - phone 83702779’
FORTY HOUR FAMINE Today, 22nd August, Ross Hill-Brown will finish his 40 Hour Famine at 12.00 pm. Pledges/donations may be made on 22nd or at any time before 6/09/10. As a way of celebrating the end of the Famine fund raiser, at 7.00 pm at the Blackwood Hills Baptist Church, Coromandel Parade there will be ‘Famine Breakers - a Community Celebration Event. It features stories from the ‘front lines’ - Sue's Story - The inspiration behind Bono, U2- and Mon’s Story - Surviving the Killing Field of Cambodia. Also there will be Georgia Germein - Singer/Songwriter/World Vision Ambassador. Please come along and there should be an opportunity to donate to World Vision if you have not already done so. There is supper afterwards.
Meeting for Sidespeople - repeat notice:
Firstly, thank you all very much for your work as Sidespeople. It is very much appreciated. There will be a meeting of Sidespeople on TODAY at 9.30 am prior to the 10am service. The meeting will run through the procedures for counting and recording the collection and answer any queries that you may have.
Thank you - John Forster (Sidesperson Co-ordinator) Yvonne Caddy (Treasurer)

MOTHERS’ UNION Two items of interest:
MU Film Morning at the Capri Cinema Goodwood. On Friday 27th August from 10.00am there will be the screening of Invictus, the story of Nelson Mandela. Tickets from MU Branch or at the door at $10. .Morning Tea at 10, Organ Recital at 10.30am and film at 11am. Also the next MU Belair meeting is set for Thursday 19th September at 2.00 pm at the Church. This will include the deferred AGM. Margaret Pressley

On Friday 10th September, St. John’s Grammar will be holding a concert in the Church from 7.00pm. The School will also be using the Hall in preparation from 12.30am on that day.

"The 10th Annual Gathering of the Biblical Storytellers (Australia & NZ) will be held at the Nunyara Confrence Centre Adelaide from 24th-26th September. It includes various workshops. Flyers will be available in the foyer but further details are available from Marnie Agnew (8279 1671 or Sarah or from the blog "

Sunday School News
We are planning a special session for children on September 12th when a treasure hunt will be all the go. However we need some specific items, asking if you could supply:
* some water-worn stones * some (chook) feathers * a sign post * some seeds
We will be looking at the Mary Jones and her Bible story – which might explain the above.
The children enjoyed making - and eating! - the Passover wraps last Sunday. And great thanks go to those who support our ministry so generously; it does not go unnoticed.
And in the light of numbers increasing, there will be a second group formed from 29th August, so that older children can have a group for themselves.

ABM Lamingtons - Your orders may be collected from the hall at any time after 2 p.m. on Friday afternoon August 27 . For those not able to collect them earlier, they will be available on Sunday morning 28 August.
Thank you all for your support for ABM.
This is the last chance to join the Archbishop's Youth Pilgrimage group travelling to Africa in January! If there is anyone who is thinking about joining the trip now is the time to do something about it while there are still places left. There will be an information meeting on WEDNESDAY 25th AUGUST at 6:30pm at St Matthew's Kensington.. If there is anyone in your community who is 18-25, please pass on the invitation to have the experience of a lifetime in Africa! Anyone who is interested about finding out more about what the trip is about and how to go about applying should come to this meeting or contact one of the leaders by email or phone: Bronwyn: or 0423 349 450 Brad: or 0423 035 660

Items for the Newsletter need to be sent to Fr. Ron at 8298 7160 or or
60a Davenport Terrace, Seacliff Park SA 5049 by Tuesday nights, please

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