Sunday, December 28, 2008
Ron's Notes January 4, 2009
The Epiphany of our Lord
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1
Eternal God, Who by a star led the Magi to the worship of Your Son; guide the nations of the earth by Your light, that the whole world may see Your glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever Amen
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 60: 1 – 6
Arise, shine, Jerusalem, for your light has come; and over you the glory of the Lord has dawned. Though darkness covers the earth and dark night the nations, on you the Lord shines and over you his glory will appear; nations will journey towards your light and kings to your radiance. Raise your eyes and look around: they are all assembling, flocking back to you; your sons are coming from afar, your daughters walking beside them. You will see it, and be radiant with joy, and your heart will thrill with gladness; sea-borne riches will be lavished on you and the wealth of nations will be yours. Camels in droves will cover the land, young camels from Midian and Ephah, all coming from Sheba laden with gold and frankincense, heralds of the Lord's praise.
Psalm 72: 1 – 7
Give the King Your judgement O God: and Your righteousness to the son of the king
That he may judge Your people rightly: and the poor of the land with equity
Let the mountains be laden with peace because of his righteousness: and the hills also with the prosperity for His people.
May he give justice to the poor among the people: and rescue the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor
May he live while the sun endures: and while the moon gives light, throughout all generations.
May he come down like rain upon the new-mown fields: and as showers that water the earth
In his time shall righteousness flourish: and abundance of peace, until the moon be no more.
The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring tribute: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts
All kings shall fall down before him: and all nations do him service
He will deliver the needy when they cry: and the poor that have no helper
He will pity the helpless and the needy: and save the lives of the poor
He will redeem them from oppression and violence: and their blood shall be precious in his sight
EPISTLE Ephesians 3: 1 – 12
With this in mind I pray for you, I, Paul, who for the sake of you Gentiles am now the prisoner of Christ Jesus--for surely you have heard how God's gift of grace to me was designed for your benefit. It was by a revelation that his secret purpose was made known to me. I have already written you a brief account of this, and by reading it you can see that I understand the secret purpose of Christ. In former generations that secret was not disclosed to mankind; but now by inspiration it has been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets, that through the gospel the Gentiles are joint heirs with the Jews, part of the same body, sharers together in the promise made in Christ Jesus. Such is the gospel of which I was made a minister by God's unmerited gift, so powerfully at work in me. To me, who am less than the least of all God's people, he has granted the privilege of proclaiming to the Gentiles the good news of the unfathomable riches of Christ, and of bringing to light how this hidden purpose was to be put into effect. It lay concealed for long ages with God the Creator of the universe, in order that now, through the church, the wisdom of God in its infinite variety might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. This accords with his age-long purpose, which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have freedom of access to God, with the confidence born of trust in him.
GOSPEL Matthew 2: 1 – 12
Jesus was born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of Herod. After his birth astrologers from the east arrived in Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the new-born king of the Jews? We observed the rising of his star, and we have come to pay him homage.” King Herod was greatly perturbed when he heard this, and so was the whole of Jerusalem. He called together the chief priests and scribes of the Jews, and asked them where the Messiah was to be born. "At Bethlehem in Judaea,” they replied, "for this is what the prophet wrote: ‘Bethlehem in the land of Judah, you are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you shall come a ruler to be the shepherd of my people Israel.’ ''
Then Herod summoned the astrologers to meet him secretly, and ascertained from them the exact time when the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem, and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, so that I may go myself and pay him homage.” After hearing what the king had to say they set out; there before them was the star they had seen rising, and it went ahead of them until it stopped above the place where the child lay. They were overjoyed at the sight of it and, entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother and bowed low in homage to him; they opened their treasure chests and presented gifts to him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Then they returned to their own country by another route, for they had been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod.
I comment often on the rather sad fact that this short Season of the Church Year is celebrated when most people seem to be away on holidays. Holidays are not the sadness, but missing out on the significance of this season. Epiphany – the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles is how the BCP notes this season. Most religions tend to point in the direction of themselves, looking for loyalty and obedience inwardly, whereas this new direction is to look outwards. Here is a Faith that is designed for everyone- repeat everyone – which now leaves now room whatever for racial grounds – or any other – for turning backs on other humans. Here is a Faith for the whole world – universe, of you dare.
Add to that, this new faith is not really a religion at all, for they tend to be internal and insular. This New Way, as it was called initially in the New Testament, is a radically new and different way of living and relating, providing the grounds for all human life to be lived at a much more productive level, not so much for the adherents, as for the world of people around them. Here is the means par excellence of living together in peace and harmony. Our human capacity of turning this New Way into a divisive and exclusive religion has virtually destroyed its designed capacity and direction.
Epiphany is what happens to a person or people when the light comes on.
Old Testament
Don’t ever get lost in the thought that here is Isaiah foretelling the arrival of the Wise Men. The old prophet was far more sage than that.
Remember that the prophet was writing around 500 years before Christ, and at the time expecting the return of the exiles from Babylon. That was rather exciting stuff in one way – the restoration of Israel. But it presaged some very hard work as the Temple, the city of Jerusalem and indeed the whole nation required rebuilding. But there was another side to the restoration of the Faith. That would take rather more commitment if the faith was to grow and people were to mature.
The focus of the prophet here is not so much on either the excitement of return or the effort for rebuilding. He was focussing on the point and purpose of this restoration. And that was the answer to the question as to why God was bothering with Israel. And Isaiah’s answer is stunning: he saw clearly that, even then in Old Testament times, the faith of JHWH had another chance of being the redemption not only of the people of Israel, but also of the entire world. The darkness that covered the earth is the same as that which overshadows life these days: division, hatreds, wars, even recessions which arise from the greed of humans. And the light that the Faith brings was the same then as now. The move away from self-aggrandizement to self-giving, from division to reconciliation is always the focus of the Hebrew-Christian Faith. Then as now, however and sadly, that focus tends to be submerged and even forgotten. This Season is designed to bring us back to the realities, and unless and until we do move in that direction, the mission of the Church will fall on deaf ears. And a more deaf world.
You may well have considered that the ancient psalmists were either out of touch with reality, or off with the fairies, or both!!! But take a closer look at these very old words. And look once again.
Here is a prayer of hope, based on the clear understanding of the nature of God and the direction that the Hebrew Faith was taking people. The experience of life for those ancient worthies was far more severe than we tend to face, but this person was clearly aware of where to look for a future. It was in following of God Whose nature and direction was ever towards justice and equity. Fairness if you like. And the reason that God has such emphases is because (a) that is His nature, and (b) these are the most basic needs of ALL humans. Many humans may not WANT justice and equity, love and reconciliation, but that is our need. Everyone’s need. Every single human’s need.
Please read through this psalm again
Never lose sight of how explosive is this epistle – and its implications! While I wonder about Paul’s stress on ‘secret’ it is certainly the case that this New Way in Christ runs contrary to so many previous (and later) religious emphases as the reach out to all humanity is underscored. As mentioned earlier, in comment on the OT reading, the perception of the prophets that the Faith once delivered was designed to provide light and life to all people tends to lose currency rather too easily. Why is it that religion tends to revert to a tool to divide people when Christianity –Judaism, too come to that! - was designed to be a means of reconciliation and progress here and now?
Recent comments I have heard about this embellishment of the Incarnation story wonders whether it all actually happened or not. Whatever the outcome of that debate, the point and purpose of its inclusion is most clear and obvious. However, there have been some who manage to reduce the tale to a pretty but not significant addition.
Wise Men we once called them, in spite of the original Greek making it clear that they were Magi, magicians, occultist if you dare. And the stunning point of the story is that whoever searches after truth will find it, for this truth is designed for them as well.
As an added shaft of truth in this tale, it underlines the fact that the Magi were rather more clearly aware of the significance of this Birth than were the people to whom the Saviour came. Gold, frankincense and myrrh. King and God and Sacrifice as the carol has it. One can understand Herod having fits, as he perceived a threat to his dynasty, for Herod was not Jewish. As Jesus matured, those of His own race and religion was as unforgiving of Jesus as was that unworthy King.
It has been an interesting life for this becoming aged priest and person, having lived through the period when Australia tended to belong to Australians (except the indigenous ones) to the dribble and then explosion of immigration since the War, and even more so rather more recently. It was one thing to cope with European immigration, for they were (largely anyhow) white and Christian, but nowadays it tends to be a matter of ‘spot the Aussie’ even in cities like Adelaide. For some people, this process has been a threat, and for others the process has actually provided real threat. But with the best will in the world, no one can turn back the clock nor return us to those rather more comfortable days …. Or were they?
Multiculturalism is a swear word for some, and an attainable and desirable goal for others. But one of the difficulties that raise its head is the fact of very different lifestyles and even more different religions.
There are those folk ever ready to pass rude and caustic comment about religion of whatever sort. And one of the sad facts of life is the extent to which adherents of all manner of religion see themselves as be called to denigrate the faith of anyone different to them, and even go to the extent of trying to wipe them off the face of the earth. Oddly enough, religions were not designed to be sources of division, but rather very much the opposite.
Sadly, Christians seem to be coming to terms with this reality quite recently. I am not all that old, but can recall the spite that existed between Catholic people and Protestants. Even in this fair State, I recall the story of a predecessor priest in the Riverton Parish recalling how Catholic folk would cross the street rather than encounter him or his wife! It is not too much to say that the sense of ‘I am right and you are wrong’ persists still in the encounters one has at the front door with itinerant preachers.
Epiphany. It is a strange word, from the Greek, having to do with something like an explosive revelation hitting a person, as something unexpected hits them as a new reality. It need have nothing to do with religion, but rather compares to eureka! I have found it! An unexpected discovery. Or the result of a long and difficult search.
I have to confess that, as the years have gone by, and my understanding of Scripture improved, that I am left wondering why St. Paul, in today’s Epistle, wrote about that secret. He underlines the fact that this was not disclosed to mankind, until Paul’s own day and age. But I suspect that the problem was that people did not really listen.
Can I take you back to the story of Abram and his call in Genesis 12. Here are the familiar words:
The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your own country, your kin, and your father's house, and go to a country that I will show you. I shall make you into a great nation; I shall bless you and make your name so great that it will be used in blessings: those who bless you, I shall bless; those who curse you, I shall curse. All the peoples on earth will wish to be blessed as you are blessed.' And now I ask you to wonder why the old bloke was told that his call ultimately would affect all humanity. It is obvious that here is no little self-contained secret for old Abe and his family. This is to have world-wide repercussions. And whilst it may be said that, in that day and age, people’s vision of life or even the world was not particularly broad, everyone knew that they were not alone as humans.
One cannot read the Old Testament prophets, especially Isaiah or even Jonah, without being led clearly into the perception that Judaism was designed to be for all humanity and not just those of Hebrew extraction. That Jonah was called to preach to Ninevah (and was remarkably peeved off when the darlings responded positively,) it another reminder of that wider purpose. With all due respect, one need only do some long and strong reading of the prophets in particular to realize the extent to which they, in their own day and age, recognised the Divine call to the wider and general community of humans.
Having done so, then would you be so kind as to realize the extent to which Israel then, and the Church over the millennia retreated from that outgoing position to turn the vital faith into a religion. The difference between religion and faith is really quite dramatic.
With religion, one can turn the whole business into an ‘us and them’ competition. I know it all and you don’t; I am the cluey superior and you are the ignorant inferior. And war, however gentle, breaks out between us (and incidentally between me and any other religion). The game is a power thing, and a control mechanism, and we have all gone back to the shaman thing. It was precisely from that distortion of the Faith that Jesus came to underline. The fact that He refused the power option to reset the whole thing was because it would have been as destructive as what He was trying to correct.
May I reiterate something that should be as obvious as anything, but tends not to be seen as such? Any religion, faith, ism or philosophy that has ever or will ever exist is an attempt to understand what it means to be human and alive on planet earth. Search after truth. That needs to be understood and respected; and one of the outcomes of that view is to realize that we are all in this together. It is the same human search. And quite like the Sciences, this is no threat, but a search in terms that may well require a theory being put to the test and thus discarded or accepted. There ought to be no great division between any searcher after truth – and that includes the scientific search, of course.
And that brings us back to the focus of the Judaic-Christian Faith. Whilst some may wish to see it as the ultimate in that search, please recognize first of all, that these are the parameters of this Faith once delivered. To offer the world a positive and credible answer to what many call the human dilemma. And that is why the Magi became so involved, committed and aware of the reason for the Incarnation.
And that is very heavy stuff ……………
Friday, December 26, 2008
Pewsheet Sunday December 28, 2008

WELCOME Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or for morning tea after the 10am service. At 10am please find all prayers and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls.
THE PRAYER FOR TODAY Saving God, whose Son Jesus was presented in the temple and acclaimed the glory of Israel and the light of the nations: grant that in him we may be presented to you, and in the world, may reflect his glory; who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
TODAY’S READING Galatians 4.4-7 by Valerie T
GOSPEL Luke 2.22-40
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Andrew G for today, Danny H for Monday.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Joyce & Bob for New Year’s Day.
PREPARATION FOR NEXT WEEK Ephesians 1.3-14 by Caroline
GOSPEL John 1:10-18 INTERCESSIONS by Wendy
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday
HOLY COMMUNION 9.30am every Thursday followed by morning tea in the hall.
Part of being a Christian community is supporting each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food when required, local transport, phone calls, visits and numerous other types of assistance. It is our way of helping one another quietly and confidentially. Call Caroline or Christie .
BRAD’S FIRST SERVICE is set for 8am & 10am on January 25 and will be followed by an AUSTRALIA DAY BBQ LUNCH. There will be a wedding in the Church later in the afternoon.
Lesson Readers and Lay Assistants: Sunday, February 8
Readers: Sunday, February 15
Intercessors: Sunday, February 22
All meetings at 11:30am for 45 minutes duration.
TREASURE MARKET Saturday 28th March
Please do all you can to preserve your fruit or make jam, collect goods for the white elephant stall, clothing, toys and pot those plants. All donations gratefully accepted. Enquiries Marilyn.
Picnic in the National Park May 17 2009
PARISH CAMP October 16-18 2009
Please consider being a representative on Inter-Church Council. Experienced Christians working together in the Mitcham Hills Council. Four meetings annually – its an outside role in our “inside-out Church”.
Enquiring to Yvonne M
ANGLICARE ENVELOPES on the table in foyer for donation toward their important work.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Warren's sermon December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Pewsheet Sunday December 21, 2008
Today’s Officiant is Rev’d Dr Warren Huffa
WELCOME Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or for morning tea after the 10am service. At 10am please find all prayers and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls.
THE PRAYER FOR TODAY Gracious God, whose eternal Word took flesh among us when Mary placed her life at the service of your will: prepare our hearts for his coming again and keep us steadfast in hope, that we may be ready for the coming of his kingdom; for his sake, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
TODAY’S READINGS 2 Samuel 7:1-11,16 Psalm 89:1-4,19-27 Romans 16:25-27 to be read by Evelyn GOSPEL Luke 1:26-38
It is only in the light of faith in Christ that the continuity between Jesus and what went before him in the Old Testament can be glimpsed. And it is not a nice, neat, simple, linear progression from one to the other. Jesus was a surprise. Those who like the linear approach seem to think that this 'proves' that Jesus is the messiah. (And provides a handy ground for condemning those who have missed what should be obvious.) But it is the surprise that Jesus is the messiah that strikes me. And it is this surprise, the way in which Jesus does not fit the expectations of his day (or the Old Testament), that lends credibility to the claims of faith. Where did the strange claims come from? Were they just made up? (Because, without the claims themselves, it is difficult to see how Jesus is the fulfilment of the expectations of the Old Testament.) And if a non-believer were to assert that the claims about Jesus (e.g. his resurrection) are made up, where did they come from? There were plenty of other claims to fabricate that would have met the expectations of the day, been more believable, and therefore more attractive to a Jewish audience. The lack of fit between Jesus and the expectations of the Jews demands explanation.
In all of this there is an excess in the Old Testament that allows for the strange twist that leads from the Old Testament to Jesus, but the excess is only accessed through a prior faith that sees Jesus, the crucified, risen Lord, as the true messiah. With the light of this faith, the Old Testament and its expectations can be read in a new and surprising way.
PREPARATION FOR NEXT WEEK Isa 61.10-62.3 Ps 148, Gal 4.4-7
SAFER MINISTRY The details of courses and dates for 2009 are now available. Those needing to complete courses should check the sheets on the table or notice board, plan your year, and book as soon as possible as the courses fill up very quickly.
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday
HOLY COMMUNION 9.30am every Thursday followed by morning tea in the hall.
Part of being a Christian community is supporting each other in times of need. We offer short-term delivery of food when required, local transport, phone calls, visits and numerous other types of assistance. It is our way of helping one another quietly and confidentially.
Call Caroline or Christie
Christmas Eve 11.00pm Holy Communion
Christmas Day 8.00am Traditional Holy Communion 10.00am Contemporary Holy Communion
QUIRE ST NICOLAS CAROL SERVICE (O Nata Lux de lumine). will be held at St. Peter's Cathedral Sunday 21st December at 3pm. Three members of Holy Innocent's congregation (Max, Lois and David) sing in this choir.
BRAD’S FIRST SERVICE is set for 8am & 10am on January 25 and will be followed by an AUSTRALIA DAY BBQ LUNCH. There will be a wedding in the Church later in the afternoon.
Lesson Readers and Lay Assistants: Sunday, February 8
Readers: Sunday, February 15
Intercessors: Sunday, February 22
All meeting at 11:30am for 45 minutes duration.
SPRING CLEANING.......remember our 2009 Church Treasure Market is only months away!
Yes..... when cleaning and tidying up around your home or out in the shed, remember
to put aside those items you think would be suitable for our next Treasure Market Planned for
March 2009. For more details please speak to Marilyn
PARISH CAMP October 16-18 2009
There is a chart pinned up in the foyer on which you can write your name if you wish to order any of Anglicare's cards, which come in packs of ten. Prices $5, $6, $7, $8 and $10 per pack. Pay when you collect. Any queries phone Barbara Corbett 8278 1851.
ABM Joan Durdin still has a few packets of Christmas cards (10 per pack) for sale. They will be available at church after the 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. services.
A total of $170.00 was received and has been forwarded to the Inter-Church Council ($165 received on the Sunday and forwarded by cheque and a later cash donation of $5). Our thanks to everyone who helped raise this wonderful contribution.
Thank you everyone including friends, workmates and relations for your marvellous support of the important work of this special hospital in Ethiopia. A total of $674 was raised by the following sponsored walkers from our Parish - Robyn Keynes $165.00 Cynthia MacIntosh $100.00 Jean Fordham $226.00 Yvonne Caddy $183.00
We all enjoyed our Walk in National Park on a beautiful summer afternoon. The money has been forwarded to Church Office to be handed direct to the hospital when the contingent of youth from our Diocese visit early in January 2009.
ANGLICARE ENVELOPES on the table in foyer for donation toward their important work.
Forward to Wendy by 5pm Tuesdays
Friday, December 12, 2008
Pewsheet Sunday December 14, 2008

Sunday 14th December 2008 – 3rd Sunday of Advent & Baptism of Kirby Huffa
Welcome to today’s Officiant Archbishop Jeffrey Driver
WELCOME Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or morning tea after the 10am service. At 10am please find all prayers and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls.
TODAY’S READINGS Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 “The year of the Lord’s favour”
Psalm 126 “A song of ascents”, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 “Final instructions”
GOSPEL John 1:6-8, 19-28
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to. Ray for today, Thomas for tomorrow and Elaine for the 19th.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Iris & Walter for today.
PREPARATION FOR NEXT WEEK 2 Samuel 7:1-11,16 Psalm 89:1-4,19-27 Romans 16:25-27 to be read by Evelyn GOSPEL Luke 1:26-38 INTERCESSIONS Margaret
At 11.30 today, Fr Ron will be presenting his final session for preparation of the coming week’s services.
Safer Ministry The details of courses and dates for 2009 are now available. Those needing to complete courses should check the sheets on the table or notice board, plan your year, and book as soon as possible as the courses fill up very quickly.
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday
HOLY COMMUNION 9.30am every Thursday followed by morning tea in the hall.
Part of being a Christian community is supporting each other in times of need. We offer short term delivery of food when required, local transport, phone calls, visits and numerous other types of assistance. It is our way of helping one another quietly and confidentially. Call Caroline or Christie
19th December Children’s Service
Christmas Eve 11:00pm Midnight Mass
Christmas Day: 8:00am Traditional Holy Communion & 10:00am Contemporary Holy Communion
Quire St Nicolas Carol Service (O Nata Lux de lumine). will be held at St. Peter's Cathedral Sunday 21st December at 3pm. Three members of Holy Innocent's congregation sing in this choir.
SPRING CLEANING.......remember our 2009 Church Treasure Market is only months away!
Yes..... when cleaning and tidying up around your home or out in the shed, remember
to put aside those items you think would be suitable for our next Treasure Market Planned for
March 2009. For more details please speak to Marilyn
There is a chart pinned up in the foyer on which you can write your name if you wish to order any of Anglicare's cards, which come in packs of ten. Prices $5, $6, $7, $8 and $10 per pack. Pay when you collect. Any queries phone Barbara
ABM Joan Durdin still has a few packets of Christmas cards (10 per pack) for sale. They will be available at church after the 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. services.
ANGLICARE ENVELOPES on the table in foyer for donation toward their important work.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Services

The Christmas Services for 2008 at Holy Innocents are as follows:
- Friday, December 19, @ 6:30pm, Kids' Christmas Play (come dressed as your favourite Christmas character
- Christmas Eve, 11:00pm Midnight Mass
- Christmas Day, 8:00am traditional Holy Communion
10:00am contemporary Holy Communion
Friday, December 5, 2008
Pewsheet Sunday December 7, 2008
Today’s Officiant is Revd Dr Warren Huffa
WELCOME Please join us for breakfast in the hall after the 8am service or morning tea after the 10am service. At 10am please find all prayers and hymns projected onto the sanctuary walls.
THE PRAYER FOR TODAY Merciful God, you sent your messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
TODAY’S READINGS Isaiah 40:1-11 “Comfort for God’s people” by Margaret P
GOSPEL Mark 1:1-8 “John the Baptist prepares the way”
WARREN’S SERMON NOTES “The Durability of God’s Word”
Isaiah proper (chapters 1-39) ends on a note of destruction and despair. Israel's unfaithfulness will not go unpunished. (Isa 39:5-8) Judah will lose its king, city, temple and people; "... nothing shall be left, says the Lord." (39:6) Babylon snuffed out the kingdom of Judah in 586 BC, and took the people into exile as the Assyrians had done previously to the kingdom of Israel (2Kings 17:-6). And just as all seems lost for good, there comes a prophecy from God. 'Second Isaiah' speaks a word of comfort and grace to the people; God will come to them, their exile will end, and they will return home to the Promised Land. This "comfort" is more than consolation; rather it is God's solidarity and presence with the suffering of the people. Their exile is to end, and they will return home across the desert to the promised land.(Isa 40:1-5; see also Isa 35:8-10) The performative word of God (Isa 40:5,8) has cataclysmic implications for the empire of Babylon. It must fall to let the people go (Isa 40:10-11; Jeremiah 51:34-37; see also Exodus 5:1. The fall of pagan empire and the return home is not dependent on the strength of mere mortals but rests on God's resolve and decree. (Isa 40:6-8) God will do this. (Isa 40:9-11)
There is an excess in the prophecy of Isaiah 40 that finds its fulfilment in John the Baptist's preaching and ministry. (Mk 1:1-8; Lk 3) God is now acting decisively for all those who find themselves in exile and in need of homecoming. This includes the physical exiles and prisoners (see Matt 25:31-46; Lk 4:18-19), the excluded from society, those in need of healing, and all those who know their need and seek their true home. (Matt 11:28-30) The God of grace encountered by Israel now through Israel reaches out to the whole of humankind in Jesus.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Christophe for the 8th & Don for the 9th.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Pat & Graham and Danny & Christie for the 13th.
Our congratulations and best wishes to Lynda who was ordained Deacon at the service on 29 November. Lynda worked with our parish during 2007 and we greatly appreciated the special gift of her ministry. Lynda will be working at the Cathedral during 2009. Also Stephen , engaged to Adele (our previous Sunday "lap top" operator), was ordained Deacon. And of course, Brad Henley, our assistant next year, was ordained Deacon as well. Do keep these people in your prayers. Marg P
PREPARATION FOR NEXT WEEK’S SERVICE Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 “The year of the Lord’s favour”
Psalm 126 “A song of ascents”, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 “Final instructions”
GOSPEL John 1:6-8, 19-28 INTERCESSIONS by Max
At 11.30 today and next Sunday, Fr Ron will be presenting sessions for preparation of the coming week’s services.
PRAYER CIRCLE meets noon on the 2nd Tuesday each month
BIBLE STUDY 10am every Wednesday
HOLY COMMUNION 9.30am every Thursday followed by morning tea in the hall.
Part of being a Christian community is supporting each other in times of need. We offer short term delivery of food when required, local transport, phone calls, visits and numerous other types of assistance. It is our way of helping one another quietly and confidentially. Call Caroline or Christie.
THANK YOU to Craig and all those who are helping with the work in our garden.
TODAY at 2PM Take this opportunity to approach Christmas through art.
19th December Children’s Service 6:30pm
POTTING PLANTS....remember our 2009 Church Treasure Market is only months away!
Everyone is looking for “water wise” plants... so when dividing up your favourite plants and succulents,
this Spring, why not pot a few extra so they are well rooted by next March ready for our Treasure
Market Plant Stall in March 2009. For more details speak to Marilyn
There is a chart pinned up in the foyer on which you can write your name if you wish to order any of Anglicare's cards, which come in packs of ten. Prices $5, $6, $7, $8 and $10 per pack. Pay when you collect. Any queries phone Barbara C
ANGLICARE ENVELOPES on the table in foyer for donation toward their important work.
TOY APPEAL Joyce wishes to thank all those who helped to make this appeal so successful.
Forward to Wendy by 5pm Tuesdays